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MP Ramsey says local Lyme disease sufferers feel betrayed by federal response

Brian Cross, Windsor Star MP Tracey Ramsey implored Canada’s health minister to scrap the draft framework on Lyme disease on Tuesday, describing how sufferers of the debilitating tick-borne illness are heartbroken by the government’s “status quo” approach. “There was hope that something would come out of this that would change the way Lyme disease is treated in Canada,…

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Ticks are carrying much more than just Lyme disease

“We’re finding pathogens that we didn’t know – well, we knew they were there, we just didn’t know how abundant they were. We find in some cases that people are getting sick from getting exposed to those, so we write those up in case studies and medical journals, for example,” Rich said. Access full article

Selon des leaders engagés, les chercheurs, médecins et patients doivent participer davantage à la conception du cadre préliminaire de lutte contre la maladie de Lyme

[Note de CanLyme: Aucune maladie de l’histoire n’a jamais été manipulée et manipulée à huis clos comme une maladie de Lyme (borreliose).] Regarder la conférence de presse (OTTAWA), 11 avril 2017 – Des chercheurs et des médecins engagés dans la lutte contre la maladie de Lyme ainsi que des personnes atteintes demandent à la ministre…

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Ottawa: Canadian politicians, scientists, physicians, and advocates unite in request of Minister Philpott to insist upon an ethical process

[CanLyme Note: No disease in history has ever been so massaged and manipulated behind closed doors as Lyme disease (borreliosis)  Is profit the motive? Keeping people sick and on pills for every symptom seems to be the approved Canadian policy while they refuse to transparently look at better tests that are available, and they refuse to…

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Yet another United States state enacts a law to protect doctors who treat Lyme disease appropriately.

Unanimous legislative approval for bill on Lyme Disease treatment March 22nd, 2017 by O. Kay Henderson The Iowa legislature has voted to let Iowa doctors prescribe more aggressive treatment for Lyme Disease than is currently allowed by the state’s Board of Medicine, but the state’s medical community opposes the move. According to Representative Sandy Salmon…

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Mothers of children with Lyme are targeted by Infectious Disease doctors… Research concludes: not one single accusation of child abuse is valid

[CanLyme Note:  This same unethical and sinister practice goes on across Canada with many Canadian mothers of children with Lyme disease having been accused by infectious disease doctors of abusing their children because they seek effective treatment for their children. Most investigations are triggered by the parent taking the child to one of our Children’s…

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Lyme disease risk rising in Ontario as ticks spread farther in province

[CanLyme Note: Ticks are not only spreading aross southern Ontario, they are spreading in all regions of the province. If you have robins, finches, wrens, etc. you have ticks carrying Lyme and other diseases coming to your area.] March 21st, 2017 by Laura Bradley, St Thomas Times-Journal They’re small, hard to see, but they come with…

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Ontario Lyme Researcher John Scott Receives Governor General Award

Scott was chosen to receive a Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers in recognition of 27 years of research and advocacy on Lyme disease and tick populations in Canada. He and his wife Catherine, founded what is now called Lyme Ontario after it took four years for each of them to be diagnosed with Lyme disease. “Basically…

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Lyme Medical & Educational Symposium – Toronto

Lyme Out Loud Kids Canada is organizing a one day symposium on April 21st, 2017 at St. Paul’s Anglican church on Bloor St., Toronto. “Lyme Out Loud Kids Canada is proud to present our first International Medical and Educational Conference focused on Lyme disease and co-infections. This event provides an interdisciplinary forum for physicians, veterinarians,…

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Doctors Who Treat Chronic and Rare Illnesses: Quacks or Heroes?

March 1, 2017 David Michael Conner The Huffington Post “Many readers of my writing know that I have spent the better part of a decade navigating a gauntlet of medical practitioners who are so “inside the box” of conventional practice, over a dozen specialists sent me into a state of alarm and then pulled the…

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Triathlete Kirsten Sweetland, sidelined by health, calls it a career

Cleve Dheensaw, Times Colonist, March 2nd Triathlete Kirsten Sweetland of Victoria, a former teen prodigy who overcame career-threatening injuries to realize her dream last year in Rio of competing in the Olympics, has retired. The 28-year-old knew it was time because “the decision came a little bit too easy,” she said. Sweetland found out five…

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New Lyme disease petition urges action plan rewrite

Richmond Hill Liberal – Kim Zarzour, March 1st, 2017 A new petition asking the Canadian government for a better action plan to combat Lyme disease has been sponsored by Green party Leader Elizabeth May. May was responsible for the introduction and approval of Bill 442, requiring the government to create an action plan with input…

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New York Times: More Than 80 Percent of Patient Groups Accept Drug Industry Funds, Study Shows

[CanLyme Note: We have been approached by various pharma industry to work with them but we have steadfastly refused in order to maintain our independence, so as to not be beholding to the for-profit industry.  Now if government and the Canadian medical associations and societies could shake their relationship with big-pharma then perhaps better health care…

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Tick-borne Lyme disease exploding into Michigan; human cases up 5-fold

Feb. 23, 2017 Keith Matheny, Detroit Free Press They’re already back. All it took was an unusual February warm spell this past week for the tiny insects causing an increasingly big problem in Michigan to become active once again, beginning their hunt for blood. “A student in the medical entomology lab just brought in six adult blacklegged…