Five kids stand around in a circle, leaning over, shoulder to shoulder, smiling, looking down a the ground!
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Get ready for summer with this free Educators’ Resource

Get ready for summer camps & outdoor adventure with the CanLyme Educators’ Resource! Whether you are new to outdoor education or a seasoned wilderness guide, this teaching resource provides information through engaging learning experiences. Spring is a great time to start planning for outdoor adventure programs and summer camps. CanLyme developed an Educators’ Resource that…

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B.C. Canada: Five things to know about Lyme disease and ticks in B.C.

[CanLyme Note: 14 percent of the world population represents 1.09 billion people infected with Lyme disease yet the Canadian government and provincial government’s medical bureaucrats report ridiculously low case counts each year.  The Lyme disease misinformation policy in Canada is directed by a private organization called the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease of Canada…

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BCCDC releases map of risk areas where people could contract Lyme disease

The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control has updated its information on Lyme disease in the province. A Facebook post shows a map of the province and includes the areas the BCCDC considers ‘high-risk’ Lyme disease zones. “It’s certainly an update, and contradicts much of what doctors have been telling patients throughout the province for…

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Tick season is upon us

Insects are emerging as the weather warms up and tick season has arrived March 25th, 2022 Now that warmer weather has arrived in the Central Okanagan, check yourself, your children and your pets if you’re out for a walk, bike or hike. Tick season is here, and although Lyme disease is rare in this part…

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Raising Awareness for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Outdoor enthusiasts are among the highest risk group for contracting tick borne diseases. Here is an information pamphlet to provide some information all should have. Access pamphlet  

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Summerland man battles Lyme disease for more than 12 years

Summerland, BC: Lance Tycholaz continues to cope with Lyme disease symptoms A tick bite in the summer of 2009 changed life permanently for Lance Tycholaz. At the time, Tycholaz was working for the B.C. Ministry of Tourism when he had a tick bite on his back, between his shoulder blades. He was alone at the…


BC, Canada: Penticton dog paralyzed after being bitten by a tick

“It’s a good time to not just check yourself for ticks, but your furry companions too. A Penticton couple knew their dog hadn’t been feeling well over the past few days, but was shocked to find their dog had been paralyzed from a tick on its body. Brenda Blatz and her husband have a 16-year-old…

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Canada: Interactive maps developed to track data on ticks

“With the arrival of spring and warmer weather the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (CanLyme) is hoping you will give some consideration to the spread of Lyme disease and the ticks that carry it. May is Lyme disease awareness month. Reliable statistics are not yet available in Canada but a recent American study by the U.S….

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People working in our forests are at risk for tick borne disease – Sarah and Tim Tchida talk tick safety in treeplanting

February 2, 2021 What can employers do to protect staff who work in the outdoors? In today’s podcast, Sarah explores some answers to that question with Tim Tchida, Owner and CEO of Summit Reforestation in Smithers BC. When Tim first heard about Lyme disease, he never imagined getting the disease himself. Tim recalls first learning…

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Canada’s CTV investigative reporting show W5 explores Lyme disease: Bitten

Nov. 21, 2020 W5 TV show delves into Lyme disease and the lack of proper diagnostics and treatment in Canada. Patients stories are told and important issues are discussed that can affect most Canadians either by themselves, family or friends in the coming years. Watch Bitten

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A message to Canadian Lyme disease patients from W5 TV show. They want you!!

“Hello all, If you are receiving this email then you and I have spoken about the documentary W5 is currently producing on Lyme Disease. We have been working on this documentary for the past few months and working towards an air date later this fall. I need all of your help for one of the…

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McMaster University doing research on Lyme disease and pregnancy.

The McMaster Midwifery Research Centre is recruiting people initially to complete an online survey if they have had at least one pregnancy, regardless whether they had Lyme disease or not. More information

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Motivations and Experiences of Canadians Seeking Treatment for Lyme Disease Outside of the Conventional Canadian Health-Care System

Abstract   Objective: We aimed to describe the experiences of Canadians who seek diagnosis and treatment for Lyme disease outside of the conventional Canadian health-care system. Methods: Forty-five individuals who had sought treatment for Lyme disease outside of the conventional Canadian health-care system were recruited from Lyme support and advocacy groups across Canada to answer…