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TOUCHED BY LYME: Singing from the IDSA Lyme hymnal
[CanLyme Note: This is an excellent response to a perversion of reality in the New York Times possibly prompted by the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA), who are the puppet masters of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease of Canada (AMMI), who continually see the public as stupid and under-educated so they promote their…
‘I don’t wish this on my worst enemy’: Caledon-area woman says Canada’s medical system is failing people living with Lyme disease
Oct. 2, 2018 Caledon Enterprise newspaper Janice Barry was at a vet office in Alliston with her dog when a poster caught her eye. It listed the symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs. It sounded familiar. For over a year, the former Caledon resident had been experiencing flu-like symptoms — daily nausea, weight loss, chronic…
A study on the association between infectious burden and Alzheimer’s disease
Bu XL, Yao XQ, Jiao SS, Zeng F, Liu YH, Xiang Y, Liang CR, Wang QH, Wang X, Cao HY, Yi X, Deng B, Liu CH, Xu J, Zhang LL, Gao CY, Xu ZQ, Zhang M, Wang L, Tan XL, Xu X, Zhou HD, Wang YJ European Journal of Neurology, online before print, 2014 Jun…
Genetic Manipulation of Borrelia Spp
Abstract The spirochetes Borrelia (Borreliella) burgdorferi and Borrelia hermsii, the etiologic agents of Lyme disease and relapsing fever, respectively, cycle in nature between an arthropod vector and a vertebrate host. They have extraordinarily unusual genomes that are highly segmented and predominantly linear. The genetic analyses of Lyme disease spirochetes have become increasingly more sophisticated, while the age of genetic investigation…
Neuropathogenicity of non-viable Borrelia burgdorferi ex vivo
[CanLyme Note: We disagree that “appropriate treatment” has been established for borreliosis. Also, this study involved deceased monkeys and is a primary tissue study so it is not representative of what occurs in a living human. There are interesting point made including that dead borrelia remnants can cause havoc.] Abstract Even after appropriate treatment, a proportion…
Please take the Lyme Sucks challenge!!
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