Tick Removal

If you’ve discovered an embedded tick on yourself or someone else there are a few important things to remember. Although not all ticks carry pathogens, it’s important to properly remove the tick as soon as you can. If your camera is handy, take photos of the tick before and after you remove it.
CanLyme Tick Removal Kits have everything you need to safely remove, store and identify ticks.
How to safely remove a tick
- Using fine pointed tweezers or a tick removal tool, grasp the tick as close to your skin as possible and pull it straight out taking care to remove the mouth parts.
- Save the tick for identification and testing by placing it in a sealed container or zip lock bag. Label the container with the time and date, along with information about when and where the bite may have occurred.
- Disinfect the bite area and wash your hands after handling the tick.
Keep the tick!
Once you have removed the tick, you can get it tested. This information can be instrumental in guiding healthcare decisions after a tick bite and into the future. Receiving early and adequate treatment can prevent long term health problems.
Geneticks is a Canadian company that tests several of the pathogens that ticks carry providing timely results.
Know the early signs and symptoms
In the days and weeks following a bite, be on alert for early signs of tick-borne infections including a rash. Although a bullseye rash is diagnostic for Lyme disease, other rashes may occur. You can document changes by taking photos of the bite area or rash, and by writing down dates, signs and symptoms.
Other early signs of Lyme disease are flu-like symptoms like fever or body aches, joint pain, fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Learn more about symptoms of Lyme disease.
Tick removal methods to avoid
- Burning the tick off with a match or cigarette lighter
- Covering the tick with essential oils or petroleum jelly
- Pulling the tick out with your fingers