The U.S. is improving its tick surveillance programs. But they still paint an incomplete picture as Lyme cases mount
Mapping of disease-causing ticks is ‘currently insufficient,’ new report says.
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Mapping of disease-causing ticks is ‘currently insufficient,’ new report says.
Lyme is widely recognized as an underreported illness. For example, a 2015 American study shows cases in the U.S. were likely 10 times higher than reported. The authors wanted to see whether a similar gap exists in Manitoba.
The work of understanding why some ticks carry pathogens and others do not, while not straightforward, is important.
Permethrin treated clothing is often recommended as an evidence-based means of preventing tick bites. Unfortunately, in Canada, there are limited options for purchasing permethrin treated clothing and permethrin spray is not easily available in the 0.5% concentration suitable for do-it-yourself treatment of clothing. A recently-published study in the Journal of Medical Entomology authored by Nadolny and…
A new study published in Annals of Medicine explores the potential for machine learning algorithms to predict the risk of tick-borne diseases around Europe. Ticks, known carriers of many pathogens, are influenced by a combination of factors, including climate, landscape, and host availability. This research uses machine learning to predict where tick concentrations are highest. …
32% of the adult and nymph ticks tested positive for Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.
Help keep kids safe in the outdoors by learning about ticks and Lyme disease.
A synthetic version has been developed and may lead to new tick repellent products.
Being aware of ticks and tick-borne illnesses can help prevent serious health problems at home and away.
The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation is proud to announce that The Quiet Epidemic is now available with French subtitles.
Sarah and David want listeners to continue exploring in nature and stay safe in the outdoors.
Are your employees at risk of a tick encounter in their workplace? There are several ways to reduce the risk of tick bites and Lyme disease. Education is paramount and includes learning how to avoid ticks, what to do when bitten, and knowing the early signs of Lyme disease. Explore our website to learn more….
Get ready for summer camps & outdoor adventure with the CanLyme Educators’ Resource! Whether you are new to outdoor education or a seasoned wilderness guide, this teaching resource provides information through engaging learning experiences. Spring is a great time to start planning for outdoor adventure programs and summer camps. CanLyme developed an Educators’ Resource that…
Learn more about where ticks are in Canada by exploring this interactive tick testing & statistics map. Geneticks created the map from ticks sent in for testing from across the country. Find out what kind of ticks have been found and what pathogens they are carrying. When possible, you should submit a removed tick for…
A growing concern for industries and employees across the country is the risk of a tick encounter in the workplace.