Cover poster for the Quiet Epidemic: As close as your backyard.
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Come and join with CanLyme in the screening of “The Quiet Epidemic”

May 18th, 2023 May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, and CanLyme is hosting an on-demand screening of the critically acclaimed documentary, The Quiet Epidemic during the week of May 19th. For the past two decades, CanLyme has been listening to the voices of people who have encountered ongoing roadblocks while trying to access adequate healthcare for Lyme…

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CanLyme supports user-friendly access to tick data in Canada

Victoria BC – With the arrival of spring and warmer weather the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (CanLyme) is hoping you will give some consideration to the spread of Lyme disease and the ticks that carry it. May is Lyme disease awareness month and there is a new Lyme disease podcast and Canadian tick mapping project….

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Recommendations for Reducing the Risk of Transfusion-Transmitted Babesiosis, a tick-borne disease

[CanLyme Note: Canadian Blood Services does in-house studies with no input from the public and their experts. We, the public, with our experts should be fully engaged in all policies that affect us. From funding determination, terms of reference, study design, to implementation and publishing approval of results we need to be involved as equal…

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Canadian Lyme disease patient groups united in rejecting the ‘one research network only’ concept of the federal government

[CanLyme Note: There is already another pan-Canadian research network that has been up and running for over a year, the Canadian Lyme Consortium. This network works closely with the patient groups together with physicians and scientists and has from it’s formation.] Joint press release “Lyme patient groups from across Canada are unified in their concern over…

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Ground Breaking Recognition of Lyme Borreliosis in 11th International Classification of Diseases – World Health Organization

[CanLyme Note: CanLyme was represented on the international Ad Hoc Committee for Health Equity in ICD11 Borreliosis Codes by CanLyme president and founder, Jim Wilson. Presentations were made in June 2018 to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, and a report was submitted to the World Health Organization in March 2017 co-authored by Canadian, Vett Lloyd PhD,…

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Corruption and Human Rights Violations Against Lyme Doctors, Scientists and Parents Now on United Nations Record

The 2018 Report ‘The Situation of the Human Rights Defenders of Lyme and Relapsing Fever Borreliosis Patients’ was submitted to Special Rapporteur Michel Forst and to Special Rapporteur Dr. Dainius Puras of the United Nations in March 2018. This resulted in a meeting between United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur Forst and medical professionals,…

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The Canadian Lyme Consortium, representing scientists, clinicians and patients provides an update regarding government promised research grants.

March 9th, 2018 The Canadian Lyme Consortium, representing a united and transparent relationship between patients, clinicians and researchers has issued an update detailing the situation with the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) granting process.  Ethics and good science do not seem to be relevant at CIHR as Health Canada continues to fail Canadians. Read…

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Borrelia lanei sp. nov. extends the diversity of Borrelia species in California

First Published Online: 08 September 2017, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.002214 Subject: Taxonomic Description – New Taxa Abstract The diversity of Borrelia species discovered in California appears to be particularly high. A divergent group of Borrelia strains collected from Ixodes ticks in California was described by Postic and co-workers and designated ‘genomospecies 2’ (Postic D, Garnier M,…

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New G. Magnotta Lyme Disease Research Lab to be Established at the University of Guelph; $1.4 Million Grant Awarded June 14, 2017 – GUEPLH, Ontario: The G. Magnotta Foundation for Vector-Borne Diseases has announced a $1.4 million grant over three years to the University of Guelph, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology to undertake Canada’s…

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Watch Mount Allison University Lyme Research Network announcement partnering with the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation

May 5th, 2017 One of the pillars within the mission statement of the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation is promoting research. We are pleased to announce our partnership with Mount Allison University in assisting their Lyme Disease Research Network with funding. Developing a broad capacity within Canadian universities to cope with what the government of Canada…

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Mount Allison University and Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation announce partnership in research.

Mount A researchers uniting expertise against Lyme disease May 5th, 2017 Fourteen researchers have come together to form the Lyme Research Network to provide a co-ordinated way to respond to the research needs of the Lyme community, to develop research that looks at the issue from new perspectives, and to share findings. The researchers…

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June 3rd, Ottawa: We Need To Continue To Be VOCAL

We Need To Continue To Be VOCAL The Federal Framework on Lyme Disease Conference held in Ottawa in May of 2016 allowed for people suffering with Lyme disease to finally come together. Because of the opportunity, the idea of VOCAL was formed. VOCAL – Voices of Canadians About Lyme – is a cross-Canada Lyme awareness…

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LymeHope Moms Bring Voices to the Hill

(04/12/2017) Ottawa, ON-Tens of thousands of Canadians, whose lives have been devastated by Lyme disease, are having their voices heard on Parliament Hill. Two Canadian moms, Jennifer Kravis and Sue Faber, who have both been diagnosed with Lyme disease, are delivering more than 10,000 petition comments and personal letters written by men, women and children. …

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Ottawa: Canadian politicians, scientists, physicians, and advocates unite in request of Minister Philpott to insist upon an ethical process

[CanLyme Note: No disease in history has ever been so massaged and manipulated behind closed doors as Lyme disease (borreliosis)  Is profit the motive? Keeping people sick and on pills for every symptom seems to be the approved Canadian policy while they refuse to transparently look at better tests that are available, and they refuse to…

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A technology backed by Bill Gates may revolutionize diagnostics for Lyme disease

Diana Pryor, CNBC news associate   February 7th, 2017 While the medical and health community is putting a spotlight on diseases like Zika, Ebola and tuberculosis, another disease, transmitted by ticks, is getting little notice: Lyme disease. The ticks that carry Lyme disease are spreading rapidly across the U.S. and are now located in nearly half…