Watch Mount Allison University Lyme Research Network announcement partnering with the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation
May 5th, 2017
One of the pillars within the mission statement of the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation is promoting research.
We are pleased to announce our partnership with Mount Allison University in assisting their Lyme Disease Research Network with funding.
Developing a broad capacity within Canadian universities to cope with what the government of Canada has admitted is a coming tsunami of Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases is a must. To date, research funding has come from the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) and has been quite limited in its direction and scope.
It is our hope that with research partnerships across Canada, and through our Venture Grants research program that Canada will undertake the type of research that will have an impact on the human condition of tick-borne disease.
CONGRATS CANADA on what you have accomplished working as a TEAM AT ITS BEST!! So happy to read this.
Betty Gordon, Iowa/USA
48.5 y. chronic lyme patient;
misdiagnosed 35 yrs/ by 40-50 drs! un acceptable!
if you ever need research participants for you journey I would like to be part of your group.Having been diagnosed in the US I am unable to find treatment in Canada . I am in need of treatment as are many Canadian and we are left to our own devices and restrictions due to financial strain.
Thank you Vett, CanLyme, and all others involved in this. Please don’t let it be swept under the rug or be made a longterm job creator like the cancer industry. So many people being punished for going for a walk. Please tell me you’re looking for a cure or better treatment and not a vaccine, leaving the rest of those who have it to fade away. Anyway, thank you for doing this. Atleast something being done, and in Canada no less. Hard to believe doing research for an illness that “doesn’t exist”
Hello Verna: I don’t know where you live, but there is a brilliant Naturopath in Vancouver; his name is Dr. Eric Chan. I also have Lyme Disease and this man saved my life! He has been treating me for almost 4 years and yes, he does prescribe antibiotics. His phone # is 604-275-0163. I hope he can help you! Take care.
I always heard that tics are rare around early July in NB
Hello, my Brother is exhibiting signs of chronic Lyme disease. He has had 2 tests and they are coming back negative but his body is shutting down, he can’t eat, sleep and has a very difficult tie moving around without constant pain. He is in need of medical attention but his Doctor will not treat him and he is unable to get any other tests. He will see anyone at this point and or become a subject for analysis, testing, etc.
I am writing on behalf of my brother who is exhibiting symptoms of chronic lyme disease. He was bit by a tick 2 years ago and at the time did not get tested. His Doctor will not recognize any of his symptoms. he is at the point that he can hardly move, it is affecting his sleep, he can’t eat. Is there a possibility he could be become a test subject.
Hi Darlene Chappell,
We are in the exact same position as you, but with our daughter. I have found info that I’m willing to share with you, because it’s been hard to make sense of this disease & find out how to get treated as a Nova Scotian. You can phone me at [forwarded to Chappell by CanLyme], if you want. Maybe we each have info that we could use to help your brother & my daughter.
For app. Seven years my son has been to different doctors, specialists of all kinds in Southern Ontario and were none of them could diagnose anything. My nephew, with no medical knowledge and doing research on his own and asking guestions was able to diagnose it as advanced case of Lyme disease!! We are now in search of someone in this part of the country who knows the cure for this disease . Where is the health care funding for this. My son hasn’t been able to work for five years because of all the symptoms he has! Apparently the U.S. is years ahead of Canada in knowing about this terrible disease !!!!