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June 3rd, Ottawa: We Need To Continue To Be VOCAL

We Need To Continue To Be VOCAL

The Federal Framework on Lyme Disease Conference held in Ottawa in May of 2016 allowed for people suffering with Lyme disease to finally come together. Because of the opportunity, the idea of VOCAL was formed. VOCAL – Voices of Canadians About Lyme – is a cross-Canada Lyme awareness initiative whereby each province will be holding events on Saturday, June 3rd to raise the level of awareness of Lyme and tick borne diseases in this country but, more importantly, to put faces to the thousands of people suffering and concerned about this issue.

The biggest event in the country on the 3rd will be in Ottawa – https://lymeontario.com/?event=vocal-ottawa-2017-vocalottawa. However, there are Coordinators working in each province to ensure that this cross-Canada initiative will be a huge success. More help would be appreciated so, if you would like to be involved, you can contact Donna Lugar at Donna [dot] lugar [at] ns [dot] sympatico [dot] ca or you can check out our Facebook group at VOCAL – Voices of Canadians About Lyme – https://www.facebook.com/groups/657758067709230/.

As the day becomes more defined in each province more information will be forthcoming but, in the meantime, please save the date as we need to follow-up the momentum of the petition with this more visible event.

Again, if you would like to be involved in the coordinating of the event in your province, we would love to hear from you. As well, each province could use sponsors/financial assistance, as well as help getting the word out.

Let’s continue the awesome momentum of the petitions, the letter writing campaigns, Lyme about Loud Kids, and the amazing folks presently in Ottawa, and be VOCAL on Saturday, June 3rd.

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