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Patient Lyme disease websites prioritize science; public health websites prioritize consistent messaging—Comment on ‘Lyme disease prevention: A content analysis of Canadian patient group and government websites’

Dear Editor, A recent article ‘Lyme disease prevention: A content analysis of Canadian patient group and government websites’ by Journault et al. (2020) in Zoonoses and Public Health describes content analysis of three public health and three patient group Lyme disease websites with respect to information on prevention of infection. The (relatively few) divergent items…

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View public comments given to the USA Tick-Borne Disease Working Group (TBDWG)

[CanLyme Note: In the comments of the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) they state,”IDSA continues to advocate for utilizing the best available scientific evidence ” and “While we recognize debate on this subject, we request that any proposed new language reflects the best available data.” The IDSA has routinely ignored, maligned, massaged, and misrepresented…

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Public Health Agency of Canada receives critical review of revisions to Lyme information on their publicly funded website.

September 4, 2020 This critique is a collaborative effort of several groups/organizations that represent Canadians living Lyme disease in response to PHAC’s call for feedback. This was our response to the request for input of the Public Health Agency of Canada. The final decisions on the content which will be incorporated currently lie with unknown…

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Nova Scotia’s top doctor takes heat over retweet dismissing chronic Lyme disease

[CanLyme Note: Once you read this article you will see that the Nova Scotia Minister of Health chimed in with the usual pre-formatted line that the province follows evidence-based guidelines. For research and science to become evidence, it requires transparent debate with stakeholders. There is no more important stakeholder in health care than the sick patient…

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BREAKING NEWS: The Public Health Agency of Canada Secretly Implements Global Act Against Children with Congenital Lyme

[CanLyme Note: As a result of the allegations revealed in the below article by Jenna Luche-Thayer, CanLyme wrote the following letter to Canadian leaders, sent December 21st, 2018, “Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, Honorable Minister Ginette Petitpas-Taylor, Honorable Minister Jody Wilson-Rebould, Dr. Mithani, Dr. Tam, Honorable Andrew Scheer, Elizabeth May and Jagmeet Singh, The news that we…

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Canada: A systematic review on the impact of gestational Lyme disease in humans on the fetus and newborn

[CanLyme Note: We at CanLyme want to thank Sue Faber and Jennifer Kravis for their excellent persistent hard work in making this review happen and inviting us to participate in their journey. Also, the immensely important assistance and input from Ralph Hawkins, MD, and Vett Lloyd, PhD, brought the science to the forefront. Finally, much…

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Latest Lyme disease risk map for Nova Scotia

Lyme disease carrying species of ticks, Ixodes scapularis, have been in Nova Scotia for decades There is no part of the province where you are risk free.  This latest risk map … shows areas of greatest risk, moderate risk and lower risk.  Because the ticks are transported by birds such as robins, wrens, finches and…

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Draft of report to parliament regarding Bill 442 now online and open to public input.

February 7th, 2017 As per the requirements of Bill 442, An Act respecting a Federal Framework on Lyme Disease Health Canada held a conference on Lyme disease in May of 2016.  It was a well balanced conference that revealed significant divergent opinions among experts on the most important issues to the affected Canadian… diagnosis and treatment. Without…

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Saskatchewan, Canada: Lyme is there and spreading

[CanLyme Note: Lyme disease is not new to Saskatchewan, but it is spreading. Physicians need to be aware and willing to diagnose and, treat clinically based upon the patient response and not a restrictive set of unproven guidelines that limit treatment periods, and they must be able to do so without consequence from their College…

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Boston, Massachusetts: Response to Boston Globe editorial against the Lyme bill

March 29th, 2016 The Massachusetts Lyme Legislative Task Force responds to a recent editorial from the Boston Globe, which opposed legislation to require insurance coverage for treatment of Lyme disease. Dear Editors of the Boston Globe: We were disappointed by your March 28 editorial criticizing the Lyme disease bill (H901/S502, An Act Relative to Lyme Disease Treatment Coverage[i]. Your arguments…

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B.C. patient questions accuracy of Lyme disease test used by province

Mark Hume VANCOUVER — The Globe and Mail – Published Tuesday, Jul. 21, 2015 Internal government documents show blood tests used to check for Lyme disease aren’t very accurate, says a patient who filed a Freedom of Information request because of her concerns about health care standards. “One of the experts talked about the Lyme disease test…

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Internal government documents raise concerns over accuracy of B.C. Lyme disease tests

July 20, 2015 Lyme disease patients denied treatment based on faulty tests Vancouver, BC ~ Confidential documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, show doctors and other senior government officials in British Columbia raising serious doubts about accuracy of Lyme disease blood tests. “Firstly, are we talking about Lyme testing? If so, patients…

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Read all Lyme disease presentations to the Ontario legislative committee on Bill 27 – June 1st, 2015

Committee Transcripts: Standing Committee on Social Policy – 2015-Jun-01 – Bill 27, Provincial Framework and Action Plan concerning Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases Act, 2015   You can read the presentations of several Lyme groups and representatives as they give their opinion on Bill 27. Sadly what you won’t see is how the democratic process was completely…

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Montérégie at epicentre of uptick in Lyme disease in Quebec

KATHERINE WILTON, MONTREAL GAZETTE Published on: May 13, 2015 Hikers heading to the mountains and forests in the Montérégie should take precautions to avoid being bitten by a blacklegged tick that may carry Lyme disease, public health officials say.  Read full article

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Alberta, Canada : Rowe [MLA] wants provincewide strategy to fight Lyme disease

[CanLyme note:  It says in the article that 70-80% of people who contract Lyme disease will develop a rash.  That is untrue. Current research indicates that only a small subset of the Lyme bacteria Borrelia will cause a rash of any kind.] January 27th, 2015, by Doug Collie Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills Conservative MLA Bruce Rowe says now…