CanLyme director Janet Sperling on 770 AM radio, Alberta
Listen to an interesting interview of Janet Sperling on CHQR news talk 770 radio
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Listen to an interesting interview of Janet Sperling on CHQR news talk 770 radio
May 22, 2014 EDMONTON — With sunny weather and lush wilderness across Canada, many people are heading outdoors for camping, hiking or picnics in wooded areas. That’s also where a serious health risk could be lurking in the form of small, blood-sucking ticks. These insects become infected once they’ve fed on mice, squirrels, birds or…
Abstract We present a case demonstrating the performance of different radiographical and nuclear medicine imaging modalities in the diagnostic work-up of a patient with Lyme neuroborreliosis. The patient presented in late summer 2019 with radicular pains followed by a foot drop and peripheral facial palsy, both right-sided. Due to a history of breast cancer, disseminated…
Posted on January 16, 2014 By Bob Goodwin, an investor and medical device entrepreneur who lives in Mercer Island, Washington A recent article in Medscape is titled New Lyme Culture Test Failed CDC Analysis. At first I took the article and paper at face value, and tried to dig into the errors of a chronic-Lyme…
Sarah explores Lyme disease from a nursing perspective with Nurse Practitioner Dr. Ginger Savely. Dr. Savely has specialized in the treatment of patients with tick-borne illnesses for the past two decades, and has authored and co-authored many articles in nursing and medical journals. Listen to podcast
John Ferro, Poughkeepsie Journal Photo by Sophia Raithel When the scientists behind an ambitious tick studybegan their work in April, they did not know how many Dutchess County families would be willing to grant access to their properties and personal health information. The subjects would have to let researchers onto their yards repeatedly to collect rodents, count ticks and deploy…
Jounral of Medical Microbiology Kerry L. Clark1, Brian F. Leydet2 and Clifford Threlkeld Correspondence Kerry L. Clark kclark [at] unf [dot] edu Received 14 January 2014. Accepted 23 February 2014. Abstract The present study investigated the cause of illness in human patients primarily in the southern USA with suspected Lyme disease based on erythema migrans-like skin lesions and/or…
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Very in formative. I personally believe that Lyme disease is more common in Alberta than we a lead to believe. My symptoms are very similar and have been trying to find a Dr. that will even entertain the possibility of Lyme Disease. This has been an issue for me for almost 12 yrs. and is slowly becoming worse. It is refreshing knowing the Lyme Disease Foundation is out there and I fully intend to become a supporter of this very important organization.
Thank you, Brian
I have three friends living in Calgary that have or had lyme disease. One is lyme free after five years of treatment. One is in a very bad state of health, not being able to find any medical doctor to treat her other than a naturopath and one is in treatment, and recovering. The one that is very ill was told by a medical doctor that he could not treat her because he was getting to much flack from the medical association.