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Lyme Medical & Educational Symposium – Toronto

Lyme Out Loud Kids Canada is organizing a one day symposium on April 21st, 2017 at St. Paul’s Anglican church on Bloor St., Toronto.

“Lyme Out Loud Kids Canada is proud to present our first International Medical and Educational Conference focused on Lyme disease and co-infections. This event provides an interdisciplinary forum for physicians, veterinarians, epidemiologists, immunologists, microbiologists, naturopaths, public health experts and others concerned with ever increasing problems associated with the transmission of Lyme disease and other infectious diseases.”

For tickets and event details go to …


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One Comment

  1. Good morning.
    I’m e mailing this morning after receiving a link to your event in Toronto next month.
    I am a mother of a 13 year old boy who is suffering horribly from Lyme Disease and has been since the morning of November 1 2015. Brody’s case of Lyme showed up suddenly one morning after showing not even the slightest sign of illness and has just gotten worse every day since!
    I’ve been doing my best to spread the word of Lyme here in Thunder Bay ON (a small city in Northwestern Ontario) where the Canadian government doesn’t believe Lyme even exists.
    I just want to learn as much as I can, and if there’s anything I can do to assist or help in any way at all, please let me know.
    Brody’s case of Lyme is so severe he is no longer able to walk upright or to speak in the regular volume of his voice. He receives his care from Dr. Charles Ray Jones in New Haven CT and will be visiting Dr. Elena Frid in New York City next month.
    The Canadian test still says he doesn’t even have Lyme but I have many documents from international Labs saying otherwise. (Including IGeneX, Quest & Arminlabs in Germany)
    This horrible illness needs attention and I think what you’re doing is wonderful.
    Thank you on behalf of my baby, and myself.

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