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Canadian Lyme Consortium research network wants you! Such an important cause, please read and pass along.

June 23, 2018 Hi Folks, CanLyme is a proud and active supporter of the Canadian Lyme Consortium research network and here is their most recent communication… ————————————————- Greetings fellow members of the Lyme community; I am reaching out on behalf of the Canadian Lyme Consortium (CLC) research network to the Canadian Lyme community with an…

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Corruption and Human Rights Violations Against Lyme Doctors, Scientists and Parents Now on United Nations Record

The 2018 Report ‘The Situation of the Human Rights Defenders of Lyme and Relapsing Fever Borreliosis Patients’ was submitted to Special Rapporteur Michel Forst and to Special Rapporteur Dr. Dainius Puras of the United Nations in March 2018. This resulted in a meeting between United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur Forst and medical professionals,…

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A home for patient-oriented research

[CanLyme Note: On the Lyme disease file in Canada the patient has been rejected, removed, and denied by the same people we pay to protect us. We put forward experts, they are not accepted as experts. We put forward scientific evidence, it is ignored. The Canadian Institute of Health Research and the Public Heath Agency of…

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“She looked like a stroke victim”

[CanLyme Note: How is it that physicians are so under-educated and misinformed on this disease after it being here for so many years? The physician said the symptoms were not classic and were too soon!!! When are our College’s of Physicians and Surgeons, including the provincial and the Royal College going to start acting like responsible,…

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Lawsuit: Insurance companies conspiring with physician members of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

November 19th, 2017 Lynne LaRowe Texackana Gazette Major health insurance companies are accused of putting profits over patients suffering from Lyme disease in a lawsuit filed recently in a Texarkana, Texas, federal court. The suit alleges companies including Blue Cross, Kaiser and Aetna violated RICO and anti-trust laws when conspiring with physician members of the…

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Prof. Christian Perronne, MD, PhD, outlines his history and the history of resistance within mainstream medicine regarding Lyme disease.

Christian Perronne, MD, PhD, is Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the Faculty of Medicine Paris-Ile de France-Ouest, University of Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQ), Paris-Saclay, France. He is chief of a Department of Medicine at the Raymond Poincaré University Hospital in Garches (Hauts-de-Seine), belonging to Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, the Greater…

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Unprecedented claim against the CDC over Lyme tests

August 23, 2017 written by Huib In the USA an unprecedented anti-trust law suit of $57 million is being prepared against the CDC. They are accused of deliberately suppressing the use of an accurate DNA direct diagnostics for Lyme disease. You can read about the aim and potential impact of this lawsuit in this article. “In…

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Listen to today’s testimony of Dr. Ralph Hawkins, Dr. Liz Zubek, Canadian Blood Services and the Public Health Agency of Canada in the standing health committee.

June 8th, 2017 You can listen to the interesting testimony here… Dr. Njoo from the Public Health Agency of Canada believes patients are too stupid to be equal partners in setting guidelines on diagnostics and treatment.  Only his buddies at AMMI, IDSA and the US CDC are qualified to have the final say… the same…

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New York Times: More Than 80 Percent of Patient Groups Accept Drug Industry Funds, Study Shows

[CanLyme Note: We have been approached by various pharma industry to work with them but we have steadfastly refused in order to maintain our independence, so as to not be beholding to the for-profit industry.  Now if government and the Canadian medical associations and societies could shake their relationship with big-pharma then perhaps better health care…

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Canadian tax payer funded Lyme research not good value for dollar

In December of 2016 a Canadian article was published in PLOS ONE proporting itself as a good systematic review about Lyme disease testing accuracy. CanLyme has been trying to work closely with government on the value of good science as good evidence yet once again the government of Canada has managed to publish low-quality material without…

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Medical community failing Lyme patients, Calgary doctor says

Elizabeth Payne, Ottawa Citizien, May 16th, 2016 Canada’s medical establishment came under pressure at a national conference into Lyme disease Monday, with a Calgary doctor suggesting treatment of some patients contravenes the Canadian Medical Association’s code of ethics. “We, as the medical community in Canada, are failing our patients,” said Dr. Ralph Hawkins, a Calgary…

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Eradication of Biofilm-Like Microcolony Structures of Borrelia burgdorferi by Daunomycin and Daptomycin but not Mitomycin C in Combination with Doxycycline and Cefuroxime

Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2016.00062  10 February 2016 Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States and Europe. While the majority of Lyme disease patients can resolve their symptoms if treated promptly, 10–20% of…

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The Need for Clinical Judgment in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease

Abstract Clinical practice guidelines are increasing in number. Unfortunately, when scientific evidence is uncertain, limited, or evolving, as is often the case, conflict often arises between guideline committees and practicing physicians, who bear the direct responsibility for the care of individual patients. The 2006 Infectious Diseases Society of America guidelines for Lyme disease, which have…

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Unravelling the mystery of Lyme disease: Why Canada needs to do more

Rian Michelsen is a rising star. Fifteen years ago, he was the toddler who burst out from behind the curtains singing Elvis’ Viva Las Vegas. As a young boy, he played the lead role in Oliver in his birthplace of Bermuda, before moving with his family to Toronto five years ago. Now, as a 17…

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In Test Tube, ‘Pulse-Doses’ Of Antibiotic Wipe Out Lyme Disease Bacteria Persisters

June 12, 2015 Carey Goldberg From the Northeast to the Midwest and beyond, it’s high season for Lyme disease. An estimated 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with the spreading, tickborne disease every year. Most can be successfully treated with antibiotics, but for some, symptoms persist for months and even years — pain, fatigue, arthritis. For me,…