The Need for Clinical Judgment in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease
Clinical practice guidelines are increasing in number. Unfortunately,
when scientific evidence is uncertain, limited, or evolving, as is often
the case, conflict often arises between guideline committees and
practicing physicians, who bear the direct responsibility for the care of
individual patients. The 2006 Infectious Diseases Society of America
guidelines for Lyme disease, which have limited scientific support,
could, if implemented, limit the clinical discretion of treating physicians
and the treatment options available to patients.
I think this crap with the “gouverment & medical system is a license to KILL”I have a “doctor “who , in his head has done everything he could do ?????.HE IS IN FOR A RUDE AWAIKINING !!!!!!!….
This article needs to be distributed to every General Practitioner and Infectious Disease Dr. in Ontario! I have recently been diagnosed with Lyme – after having symptoms for 2 years! – and neither my GP nor the infectious disease Dr. believe I need any more than 2-4 wks of doxycycline. I am cured! But funny thing, I don’t feel “cured” – brain fog, headaches, neck pain, eye and jaw pain! Trying to figure out this insane system of health care for Lyme patients is a full time job and so frustrating.
Shame on Health Canada for not taking care of it’s own – if we go untreated then we will cost the health care system even more in the years to come. Get with it – Health Canada!