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The Ad Hoc Patient and Physician Coalition From Around the World Reject Newly Proposed IDSA Guidelines

The Ad Hoc Patient and Physician Coalition Comments of the IDSA Proposed Lyme Guidelines “About the Ad Hoc Patient and Physician Coalition: The Ad Hoc Patient and Physician Coalition consists of patients and physicians who are concerned that the proposed Lyme disease guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), American Academy of Neurology…

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The new draft of the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) guidelines open for public comment for 45 days.

The IDSA has presented their draft guidelines which with a brief scan appear not much different then their old controversial poorly evidenced guidelines.  Much of the same old players and 3 token patients. Typical unequal representation. Public comments close August 10th. Take your time, make notes before you enter their controlled comment format process as…

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Congress Acts to Improve CDC and NIH Lyme Disease Programs [Canada Fails]

Tuesday, April 10, 2018 [CanLyme Note: The Canadian system via the Pubic Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) adopted the same corrupted, biased position of the US CDC.  Now we need Canadian parliamentarians to do the right thing for the sick. Last year, Health Canada announced there would…

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Lawsuit: Insurance companies conspiring with physician members of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

November 19th, 2017 Lynne LaRowe Texackana Gazette Major health insurance companies are accused of putting profits over patients suffering from Lyme disease in a lawsuit filed recently in a Texarkana, Texas, federal court. The suit alleges companies including Blue Cross, Kaiser and Aetna violated RICO and anti-trust laws when conspiring with physician members of the…

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CanLyme director responds to Canadian Medical Association Journal article

Response to Doctors Gregson and Quach Robert G. Murray, DDS, Director, CanLyme Re: “The Lyme law” Zubek, 187:520-521doi:10.1503/cmaj.115-0029 The problem with Lyme disease in Canada will only continue to grow to the point where the numbers affected will simply overwhelm the idea that Lyme Borreliosis (LB) is hard to catch and easy to treat with…

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The Need for Clinical Judgment in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease

Abstract Clinical practice guidelines are increasing in number. Unfortunately, when scientific evidence is uncertain, limited, or evolving, as is often the case, conflict often arises between guideline committees and practicing physicians, who bear the direct responsibility for the care of individual patients. The 2006 Infectious Diseases Society of America guidelines for Lyme disease, which have…

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United States : CDC Refuses to End Preferential Treatment of IDSA Lyme Guidelines in Response to Citizen Petition Patient advocates cite CDC/IDSA conflicts of interest

“Fries says, “It’s unacceptable that when a federal government agency is presented with evidence of improprieties, the official response is to confirm the improprieties and indicate they will continue.” Now what will the government of Canada do considering their commitment to open government.  Will they insist Bill C-442 be followed with the good faith intended…

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IDSA mantra, ‘There is no such thing as chronic Lyme’, linked to most Lyme injuries and deaths: Mayday Project

April 16th, 2015 [IDSA= Infectious Disease Society of America] “Cutler says most injuries and deaths due to Lyme disease are a direct result of the IDSA group think leading to the ill-informed mantra: “There is no such thing as chronic Lyme.” Cutler called on the IDSA to pay strict attention to the IOM Standard #3…

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The Mayday Project Responds to Dr. Paul Auwaerter’s Defense of IDSA Guidelines for Lyme Disease

Friday, November 07, 2014  “My office uncovered undisclosed financial interests held by several of the most powerful IDSA panelists. The IDSA’s guideline panel improperly ignored or minimized consideration of alternative medical opinion and evidence regarding chronic Lyme disease, potentially raising serious questions about whether the recommendations reflected all relevant science.” – Connecticut Attorney General Richard…

Lyme Warriors Call for Congressional Investigation of CDC, IDSA, Vaccine Makers

ARLINGTON, Va., May 23, 2014  PRNewswire Lyme activists, who have the Infectious Diseases Society of America headquarters surrounded and under siege, issued a call for a Congressional Investigation of corruption within the CDC, IDSA, and the vaccine industry. According to Lyme researcher and activist, Carl Tuttle, “An investigation is long overdue. The conflicts of interest…

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Lyme Disease Community Blows the Whistle on Corruption Within the CDC

[CanLyme note: The Canadian government intentionally takes it’s direction from the US CDC and their small select group to set Lyme policy in Canada.  CanLyme has asked several times to be given a seat at the policy making level only to be told we are simply an advocacy group therefore we have no role to…

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Infectious Disease Society of America not ethical, or science based… yet Canada openly endorses them while allowing no victim’s expert input.

We all have been duped. Infectious Disease [IDSA] Treatment Guidelines Weakened By Paucity of Scientific Evidence Daniel M. Keller, PhD From: Medscape Today November 13, 2009 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)— Two separate analyses presented here at the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) 47th Annual Meeting revealed that most of the society’s treatment guidelines are based on expert…

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Concerns Regarding the Infectious Diseases Society of America Lyme Disease Clinical Practice Guidelines

Reprints or correspondence: Mr. Jim Wilson, Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation, 2495 Reece Rd., Westbank, BC V4T 1N1, Canada. TO THE EDITOR — The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation has several concerns with the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s Lyme disease clinical practice guidelines [1]. I shall elaborate. Throughout the guidelines, the erythema migrans rash is referred…


Attorney General of Connecticut issues press release about finding of his investigation into the Infectious Disease Society of America.

You can read the 2008 press release of Richard Blumenthal in which he outlines the deplorable state of the Infectious Disease Society of America Lyme guidelines. blumenthal_lyme_press_release_2008