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The Platelet Fraction Is a Novel Reservoir to Detect Lyme Borrelia in Blood

October 29th, 2021 Victoria P Sanderson 1, Iain L Mainprize 1, Lisette Verzijlenberg 1, Cezar M Khursigara 2, Melanie K B Wills 1 Abstract Serological diagnosis of Lyme disease suffers from considerable limitations. Yet, the technique cannot currently be replaced by direct detection methods, such as bacterial culture or molecular analysis, due to their inadequate sensitivity. The low bacterial burden in vasculature and lack…

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Lyme Disease Advocacy Organization Meets With FDA

“BOSTON, Oct. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nonprofit grassroots organization TruthCures met with Food & Drug Administration (FDA) officials Monday, Oct. 18, 2021 to discuss issues related to notoriously inaccurate Lyme disease diagnostic tests. The group’s executive director, Laura Hovind, and associate Lahra Tillman were joined by Carl Tuttle, an appointee to New Hampshire Governor…

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Better diagnostic testing: antibodies and beyond with Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

Dr. Schwarzbach is a specialist in laboratory medicine and infectious diseases, having worked in the field for over 20 years. He recalls one of his patients who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and tested positive for a test that was then called a lymphocyte transformation test for Borrelia burgdorferi even though she subsequently tested negative for antibodies…

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Canada: Serious flaws in a medical system lacking medical and scientific ethic

Presenting at a Lyme disease conference held in Bridgewater, NS, in November 2019, it was said that Nova Scotia lacks proper protocols when dealing with the ignored epidemic of Lyme and tick-borne diseases [TBD’s]. We have the highest incidence in Canada conservatively estimated as 454/ 100,000 across the province to as high as 1,826/100,000 in…

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Nova Scotia woman behind ‘AtlanTick’ tick repellent shares her children’s struggle with Lyme disease

June 11, 2019 When it comes to her kids, Mahone Bay’s Lisa Ali-Learning isn’t taking any chances. So when her sons, Darian and Lucas, started to complain about joint pains two years ago, she immediately took them to get tested for Lyme disease. They tested negative. Months passed and with their health declining, the boys…

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Health P.E.I. tragically mistaken [on Lyme disease]

The Guardian, Chris Robinson Guest Opinion Government bafflegab bothers me, especially when the health of young school-age children is at stake. On March 11, Health P.E.I. officials featured on CBC’s (Mis)Information Morning downplayed the true risk of Lyme Disease on P.E.I. and claimed that current diagnostic blood tests being used here for detecting this serious…

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Study of pediatric patients shows two-tier testing results cannot rule out Lyme borreliosis.

Two-Tier Lyme Disease Serology Test Results Can Vary According to the Specific First-Tier Test Used Published: February 22, 2019 Abstract Background Variability in 2-tier Lyme disease test results according to the specific first-tier enzyme immunoassay (EIA) in children has not been examined rigorously. In this study, we compared paired results of clinical 2-tier Lyme disease…

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Detecting the Lyme Disease Spirochete, Borrelia Burgdorferi, in Ticks Using Nested PCR

Melanie K. B. Wills, Andrea M. Kirby, Vett K. Lloyd Department of Biology, Mount Allison University J. Vis. Exp. (132), e56471, doi:10.3791/56471 (2018) Detecting the Lyme Disease Spirochete, Borrelia Burgdorferi, in Ticks Using Nested PCR ABSTRACT Lyme disease is a serious vector-borne infection that is caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato family of spirochetes, which are transmitted to…

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Tips after Lyme Disease is in your system

From Toronto Sun Sept 23rd, 2017 “With the Public Health test, chronic sufferers like me can be misdiagnosed. Although options are available to treat Lyme, because they are not covered by OHIP or widespread, they are inaccessible to many. From my experiences, the Lyme care in Ontario seems insufficient. We all pay taxes and to…

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Human seroprevalence of Borrelia miyamotoi in Manitoba, Canada, in 2011–2014: a cross-sectional study

[CanLyme Note: This is a very interesting and important study and we are pleased that this is being looked at but there are some glaring omissions in the document. Not made clear in the results is that a significant percentage of obviously symptomatic patients (why their blood was tested in the first place) would be completely…

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A recent study published in the Journal of Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases examined the prevalence of ticks in the Quebec region, along with the frequency of Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) infection in engorged versus non-engorged ticks. by Daniel J. Cameron, MD MPH Gasmi and colleagues found that you cannot always rely on the testing of engorged…

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Ontario Lyme Alliance responds to article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that missed the mark.

Re: Lyme disease: How reliable are serologic results? see also https://canlyme.com/?p=7245 Debra L. Fraleigh, Co-founder Ontario Lyme Alliance A thorough examination of the full text of the Fallon study (1), referenced by Gregson et al, demonstrates that for thirty-seven Lyme patients (all of whom met historical clinical AND laboratory criteria for LD) archived sera from fewer…

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Global TV – Lyme disease tests may not be accurate for some Canadians – Patients worried

[CanLyme Note: The Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Canada (AMMI) failed to point out that there is no ‘gold standard serology’ for Lyme disease. The only standard is American ‘surveillance criteria’ that were never intended for establishing whether or not to treat clinical cases of Lyme disease. The US surveillance criteria were established in…

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Internal government documents raise concerns over accuracy of B.C. Lyme disease tests

July 20, 2015 Lyme disease patients denied treatment based on faulty tests Vancouver, BC ~ Confidential documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, show doctors and other senior government officials in British Columbia raising serious doubts about accuracy of Lyme disease blood tests. “Firstly, are we talking about Lyme testing? If so, patients…