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Unravelling the mystery of Lyme disease: Why Canada needs to do more

Rian Michelsen is a rising star. Fifteen years ago, he was the toddler who burst out from behind the curtains singing Elvis’ Viva Las Vegas. As a young boy, he played the lead role in Oliver in his birthplace of Bermuda, before moving with his family to Toronto five years ago. Now, as a 17 year-old high school…

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Ontario, Canada: Mom urges daily tick inspections after Lyme ‘nightmare’

[CanLyme Note: As usual, infectious disease doctors are intentionally misleading the public. It is very clear from this reporting that the rash is the most important sign of Lyme disease. It is not, just as facial palsy is not common. This is far too serious a disease for misinformation and it is frightening to see it…

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New York Times’ Story On Lyme Misses The Bull’s Eye

[CanLyme note: Very important in the article is recognition by the Infectious Disease physician author is that there is no good definition for Lyme disease, no good tests, and no biomarkers for B. burgdorferi or for PTLDS (post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome) which is a made-up term not based in science. No one knows when you have…

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Rocky Mountain spotted fever: Mom warns after son’s tick-borne illness

[CanLyme Note: This is why our motto is ‘No Tick is a Good Tick’. Physicians have got to stop telling people not to worry about tick bites in general.  Any species of tick that will bite a human can transmit various serious diseases.] Most people have never heard of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. One mom wants…

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Borrelia miyamotoi rash is breaking the myth that rashes caused by borreliosis (Lyme disease) must expand beyond 5 cm.

Canada has Borrelia miyamotoi and other borrelia from coast to coast. The standard guidelines imposed on doctors state myths about rashes that science has shown us are not correct… The guidelines state that 60-80% of people will get a rash, NOT TRUE  Only a small subset of the borrelia bacteria will cause any rash. Rashes…

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“She looked like a stroke victim”

[CanLyme Note: How is it that physicians are so under-educated and misinformed on this disease after it being here for so many years? The physician said the symptoms were not classic and were too soon!!! When are our College’s of Physicians and Surgeons, including the provincial and the Royal College going to start acting like responsible,…

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Dr. Nevena Zubcevik of the Harvard Medical School dispels some long held, over published myths about Lyme disease

Dispelling myths … “Dr. Nevena Zubcevik of the Harvard Medical School, and co-director of the Dean Center for Tick-Borne Illnesses, warned that the medical community is not keeping up with current findings. For example, “The conception that the tick has to be attached for 48 hours is completely outdated,” she said, citing studies that show…

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Response to Canadian Medical Association Journal Lyme practice scenario

Re: Decisions; A 35-year-old man with a positive Lyme test result from a private laboratory Debra L. Fraleigh, Co-founder Ontario Lyme Alliance This fictional practice case scenario needs to have some modicum of realism if it is intended to be useful to inform diagnostic and treatment decisions. The patient, who believes he could have Lyme…

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Only 18% of Lyme Disease patients studied in Nova Scotia had a rash… not the 60-80% stated by Canadian governments, AMMI, and in Canadian medical curricula

Lyme Arthritis: an Emerging Clinical Problem in Nova Scotia, Canada Pier D. Glaude1, Adam M. Huber1, Timothy Mailman2, Suzanne Ramsey2, Bianca Lang2 and Elizabeth Stringer1 Article first published online: 27 MAR 2014 DOI: 10.1002/art.38498 Copyright © 2014 by the American College of Rheumatology Seventeen patients were identified; all patients were referred for evaluation of arthritis….