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Rocky Mountain spotted fever: Mom warns after son’s tick-borne illness

[CanLyme Note: This is why our motto is ‘No Tick is a Good Tick’. Physicians have got to stop telling people not to worry about tick bites in general.  Any species of tick that will bite a human can transmit various serious diseases.]

Most people have never heard of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. One mom wants to change that.

By Marguerite Ward Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever rash

Like most people, Danielle McNair had never heard of Rocky Mountain spotted fever until she noticed her son’s strange symptoms following a tick bite.

It started on May 10, when her toddler, 5-year-old Mason McNair, was at his grandparents’ house near LaGrange, Georgia. While getting ready for bath time, his grandparents noticed a tick inside Mason’s belly button.

The tick was properly removed, but Mason’s belly button became red and swollen. McNair, 27, took Mason to the doctor the next day and he was given antibiotic medication to take for the next 10 days.

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