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June 23rd, 2018 A CBC online news article… CanLyme offers notes of how clever messaging from “officials” slants the truth so CanLyme is “setting the record straight”.

June 23rd, 2018 A CBC online news article… CanLyme offers notes of how clever messaging from “officials” slants the truth so CanLyme is “setting the record straight”. “Lyme disease surges in Quebec: What you need to know to protect yourself” “Lyme disease is treatable if it’s caught early enough” [CanLyme Note: Lyme disease, a borreliosis,…

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Canadian Lyme Consortium research network wants you! Such an important cause, please read and pass along.

June 23, 2018 Hi Folks, CanLyme is a proud and active supporter of the Canadian Lyme Consortium research network and here is their most recent communication… ————————————————- Greetings fellow members of the Lyme community; I am reaching out on behalf of the Canadian Lyme Consortium (CLC) research network to the Canadian Lyme community with an…

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Borrelia miyamotoi rash is breaking the myth that rashes caused by borreliosis (Lyme disease) must expand beyond 5 cm.

Canada has Borrelia miyamotoi and other borrelia from coast to coast. The standard guidelines imposed on doctors state myths about rashes that science has shown us are not correct… The guidelines state that 60-80% of people will get a rash, NOT TRUE  Only a small subset of the borrelia bacteria will cause any rash. Rashes…

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CTV: Alberta Primetime – Lyme Disease in Alberta

May 10th, 2018 [CanLyme Note: Dr. Dan Gregson, seen in this news report, infectious disease HIV specialist (not Lyme disease specialist) says diagnose Lyme disease by the rash??  The majority will not get the rash so their diagnoses will be missed.  Then Dr. Gregson goes on to say they want clinics across Canada like the one…

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Professional Self-Regulation and the Public Interest in Canada

[CanLyme Note: The Lyme disease disaster for Canadians is an excellent example of how the ‘self-regulating’ medical colleges and medical associations have woven themselves into the publicly funded health care system positioning themselves as the only experts, and policing any physicians who disagree with them, out of business.  No outside scientific expertise is allowed no matter…

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Quebec wildlife agents want Lyme disease recognized as occupational hazard

CBC News February 14th, 2018 With Lyme disease diagnoses on the rise, wildlife agents want better care and prevention help Quebec’s wildlife protection agents are asking the government to officially recognize Lyme disease as a workplace health hazard. They say that under current rules, agents who get the disease have to fight with the Workplace…

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Lyme Disease Patients File Federal Antitrust Suit Against Infectious Disease Specialists & Health Insurers

Nov 15th, Last Friday, 28 patients filed a federal antitrust lawsuit against the Infectious Diseases Society of America, eight health insurance companies, and seven medical doctors, Courthouse News reported yesterday, “because health insurers are denying coverage with bogus guidelines established by their paid consultants, who falsely say the disease can always be cured with a month of antibiotics.” Contrary…

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Popular Shrub Linked to Rising Rates of Lyme Disease in Ticks

[CanLyme note: Japanese barberry, an invasive plant, has been promoted as a decorative shrub for landscaping across Canada for many years, even in the dry Okanagan Valley region of BC In Canada, plant growers, retailers, and landscapers need to take this seriously and stop selling this product and similar products.  Offer your concerns to the Canadian…

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Watch Mount Allison University Lyme Research Network announcement partnering with the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation

May 5th, 2017 One of the pillars within the mission statement of the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation is promoting research. We are pleased to announce our partnership with Mount Allison University in assisting their Lyme Disease Research Network with funding. Developing a broad capacity within Canadian universities to cope with what the government of Canada…

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Mount Allison University and Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation announce partnership in research.

Mount A researchers uniting expertise against Lyme disease May 5th, 2017 CumberlandNewsNow.com Fourteen researchers have come together to form the Lyme Research Network to provide a co-ordinated way to respond to the research needs of the Lyme community, to develop research that looks at the issue from new perspectives, and to share findings. The researchers…

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Ottawa: Canadian politicians, scientists, physicians, and advocates unite in request of Minister Philpott to insist upon an ethical process

[CanLyme Note: No disease in history has ever been so massaged and manipulated behind closed doors as Lyme disease (borreliosis)  Is profit the motive? Keeping people sick and on pills for every symptom seems to be the approved Canadian policy while they refuse to transparently look at better tests that are available, and they refuse to…

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New Lyme disease petition urges action plan rewrite

Richmond Hill Liberal – Kim Zarzour, March 1st, 2017 A new petition asking the Canadian government for a better action plan to combat Lyme disease has been sponsored by Green party Leader Elizabeth May. May was responsible for the introduction and approval of Bill 442, requiring the government to create an action plan with input…

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First report of a blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say (Acari: Ixodidae), parasitizing a raptor in Canada

Systematic & Applied Acarology 22(2): 208–216 (2017) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.22.2.5 Abstract We document the first report of a blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say, parasitizing an American Kestrel, Falco sparverius Linnaeus (Falconiformes: Falconidae), in Canada. A fully engorged I. scapularis nymph was collected from the base of the tongue of an American Kestrel nestling recovered at Mirabel, Québec….

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First Record of Ixodes affinis Tick (Acari: Ixodidae) Infected with Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato Collected from a Migratory Songbird in Canada

Scott, et al.  Published June 30th, 2016 Abstract Migratory songbirds transport hard-bodied ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) into Canada during northward spring migration, and some of these bird-feeding ticks harbor a wide diversity of pathogenic microorganisms. In this study, we collected a nymphal Ixodes affinis Neumann from a Common Yellowthroat, Geothylypis trichas (Linnaeus), at Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec, and…

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Watch CTV news interview of Dr. Todd Hatchette. A very good example of how opinion, not science, is driving Lyme borreliosis policy in Canada… in spite of evidence presented by experts in Ottawa, May 15th to 17th, 2016.

[Lyme disease is actually Lyme borreliosis. an infection caused by many different strains/genotypes of Borrelia bacteria] How can one rationalize making progress from the patient’s expert perspective when officially, by tax payer funded microbiologists, opinion is put forward as fact with no supporting science. Dr. Todd Hatchette attended the recent three day conference in Ottawa…