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The Ad Hoc Patient and Physician Coalition From Around the World Reject Newly Proposed IDSA Guidelines

The Ad Hoc Patient and Physician Coalition Comments of the IDSA Proposed Lyme Guidelines “About the Ad Hoc Patient and Physician Coalition: The Ad Hoc Patient and Physician Coalition consists of patients and physicians who are concerned that the proposed Lyme disease guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), American Academy of Neurology…

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Parenting When Children Have Lyme Disease: Fear, Frustration, Advocacy

Emilie M. Gaudet 1 , Odette N. Gould 1,*, Vett Lloyd 2 1 Department of Psychology, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB E4L 1C7 Canada 2 Department of Biology, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB E4L 1G7 Canada * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Healthcare 2019, 7(3), 95; doi.org/10.3390/healthcare7030095 Abstract Increasing numbers of Canadians, including children and adolescents, are being infected…

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Global TV News: Why Lyme disease is on the rise, explained

[CanLyme Note: Both AIDS and Lyme disease arose as an issue in the late 1970’s with the first case of Lyme reported in Quebec in 1977. As pointed out in this piece, since then there have been over 11,000 clinical trials for AIDS yet only 60 for Lyme disease. Lyme disease research funding in Canada…

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Listen to CanLyme president Jim Wilson on CBC radio – Radio Canada International

August 5th, 2019 [CanLyme Note: This is just one of several interviews given by Jim Wilson the morning of August 5th. Live separate interviews were done for CBC radio Toronto, Quebec City, Winnipeg, Regina, Yellowknife, Whitehorse, Vancouver, and Montreal, each at different time slots.] “We’re in the middle of a Canadian summer, and people are enjoying…

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Manitobans Reminded to Check for Ticks: Friesen June 10th, 2019 The Manitoba government is moving forward with the establishment of a collaborative care service to streamline and improve health services for patients who show symptoms of late Lyme disease and other emerging tick-borne illnesses, Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen announced today. “Symptoms…

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There’s no evidence quick dose of antibiotics will stave off Lyme

[CanLyme Note: Canadians have got to beware of information produced by any members of the Canadian Lyme Disease Research Network (CLyDRN) as their information does not serve you the public, but instead serves the for-profit medical industry and their many components while patients struggle with a lifetime of disability and multiple daily drugs not intended to…

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Please join us… Buffalo Point, Manitoba proactive in Lyme awareness and fundraising.

The vibrant and scenic community of Buffalo Point, Manitoba, situated on the three borders of Manitoba, Ontario, and Minnesota has been a leader in raising awareness about Lyme disease for years.  They have been holding Lyme Walks each summer for the past 5 years and raising money for CanLyme (which helps us support young scientists…

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Lyme disease study raises possibility of mother-to-baby transmission

Andrew Rankin (arankin [at] herald [dot] ca)  May 15th, 2019 A scientist who co-authored a recent Public Health Agency of Canada study on the impact of Lyme disease during pregnancy says the illness can have fatal consequences for a developing fetus if the mother goes untreated. “Miscarriage, newborn death, and newborns with respiratory problems or jaundice…

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Latest research shows Canada’s decision to fund only one large national Lyme research conglomerate goes against creation of new ideas.

[CanLyme Note: Even worse is that the 4 million tax payer dollars given to the conglomerate, Canadian Lyme Disease Research Network (CLyDRN), is now controlled by members of the anti-science/ethics private group the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease of Canada (AMMI) which is the puppet arm of the highly controversial Infectious Disease Society of…

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Lyme advocates say Canada offers “toxic tokenism” to patients

The Canadian government recently announced new investment in Lyme disease research. However, Canadian Lyme advocates fear that the patient voice will be excluded from the decision-making process. In the following article, the Canadian Lyme Consortium (CLC)–made up of advocates, patients, researchers and practitioners–offers background and context. By Vett Lloyd, PhD; Liz Zubek, MD, CCFP FCFP; Sue Faber and Jennifer Kravis,…

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Canada: A systematic review on the impact of gestational Lyme disease in humans on the fetus and newborn

[CanLyme Note: We at CanLyme want to thank Sue Faber and Jennifer Kravis for their excellent persistent hard work in making this review happen and inviting us to participate in their journey. Also, the immensely important assistance and input from Ralph Hawkins, MD, and Vett Lloyd, PhD, brought the science to the forefront. Finally, much…

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Lyme disease vastly under-detected in Canada, according to new study

Mount A biologist co-authors research that suggests only 3-4% of Lyme cases are officially diagnosed Friday October 20th, 2018 A NEW STUDY published in the journal Healthcare suggests the vast majority of Canadians who have Lyme disease are slipping through the cracks. The research was done by Vett Lloyd, a Mount Allison University biology professor,…

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Far-Reaching Dispersal of Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato-Infected Blacklegged Ticks by Migratory Songbirds in Canada

https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare6030089 Abstract Lyme disease has been documented in northern areas of Canada, but the source of the etiological bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl) has been in doubt. We collected 87 ticks from 44 songbirds during 2017, and 24 (39%) of 62 nymphs of the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, were positive for Bbsl. We provide the first report…

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G. Magnotta Lyme Disease Research Lab at University of Guelph is looking for participants in study.

July 19th, 2018 Excellent work is being done at the University of Guelph and we at CanLyme encourage people to participate… “The University of Guelph is currently recruiting participants for a study jointly offered by researchers in the Department of Population Medicine, and the G. Magnotta Lyme Disease Research Lab. The study (REB # 18-05-008)…

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Are you a parent in Canada with a child struggling with Lyme disease? Canadian researchers want to hear from you!!

May 2019 UPDATE “The data collection for this study is now complete. The researchers from the Mount Allison University Lyme Research Network would like to thank all the parents who took the time to respond to our request for letters. The letters we received were compelling and impactful, and we are grateful that you took…