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Canada implicated once again in covert non-transparent manipulation of World Health Organization

When will the corruption stop? CanLyme is a member of the Ad Hoc Committee for Health Equity. “A request to have ‘Congenital Lyme borreliosis’ listed as a ‘stand-alone’ category in the new ICD-11 codes was made by the Ad Hoc Committee for Health Equity in ICD-11 Borreliosis Codes, submitted March 27, 2017 by Jenna Luché-Thayer…

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This success story cannot happen in Canada without doctors licences being at risk from our very conflict of interest laden health care system that crosses federally to the provinces, then remarkably closely to the United States private organization the Infectious Disease Society of America that is rife with anti-science rhetoric and conflict of interest. Has Canada been the victim of medical fraud? Perhaps.

A family’s fight for their son en route to NCAA tournament history   … “Instead of running to the sink like most middle schoolers and washing his hands as fast as he could, 13-year-old Connor Odom would wash, rewash and then wash his hands again. His mother, Lucia Odom, thought it was odd, but didn’t…

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Congress Acts to Improve CDC and NIH Lyme Disease Programs [Canada Fails]

Tuesday, April 10, 2018 [CanLyme Note: The Canadian system via the Pubic Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) adopted the same corrupted, biased position of the US CDC.  Now we need Canadian parliamentarians to do the right thing for the sick. Last year, Health Canada announced there would…

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Lawsuit: Insurance companies conspiring with physician members of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

November 19th, 2017 Lynne LaRowe Texackana Gazette Major health insurance companies are accused of putting profits over patients suffering from Lyme disease in a lawsuit filed recently in a Texarkana, Texas, federal court. The suit alleges companies including Blue Cross, Kaiser and Aetna violated RICO and anti-trust laws when conspiring with physician members of the…

Lyme Warriors Call for Congressional Investigation of CDC, IDSA, Vaccine Makers

ARLINGTON, Va., May 23, 2014  PRNewswire Lyme activists, who have the Infectious Diseases Society of America headquarters surrounded and under siege, issued a call for a Congressional Investigation of corruption within the CDC, IDSA, and the vaccine industry. According to Lyme researcher and activist, Carl Tuttle, “An investigation is long overdue. The conflicts of interest…

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Lyme Disease Community Blows the Whistle on Corruption Within the CDC

[CanLyme note: The Canadian government intentionally takes it’s direction from the US CDC and their small select group to set Lyme policy in Canada.  CanLyme has asked several times to be given a seat at the policy making level only to be told we are simply an advocacy group therefore we have no role to…

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NEWS: “Sometimes a little rebellion is necessary”

The following is the text of Dr. Liegner’s remarks at the World Wide Lyme Rally & Protest Friday, May 10, 2013 Union Square, New York City . “Chronic Lyme disease does not exist”. There are at least four possibilities to explain why a person might hold this view: They can be ‘dumb as bags of…