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Ottawa, Canada: Lyme disease can’t keep Manotick baker down

 Manotick News


Veronique Ayling has been dreaming of her own cupcake shop for the better part of a decade.

The Greely resident grew up in the Laurentians baking with her grandmother, but instead of opening her own shop she joined the Canadian Armed Forces, where she works in its investigations unit.

But since the start of a lengthy battle with Lyme disease she and her husband have decided it’s time to finally chase her dream. Ayling will make the goodies, while business-minded Mike will manage the books.

After six months of planning, V’s Cupcakes opened its doors on Manotick Main Street on Tuesday, Aug. 19.

The vintage-inspired shop will sell as many as 20 cupcake flavours on weekends, with staples available throughout the week. Wedding cakes, cookies, brownies and scones will also line the shelves, and Ayling said she plans to cater events, as well.

“We’ll be unbeatable as a team,” said Mike. “I’ve tested more cupcakes than I can count.”

But the new store is just icing on the cake as the Ayling family tries to conclude a terrifying chapter of their life.

Exactly two years before opening her shop, the fit, energetic mother of three suddenly found herself barely able to function.

She was dizzy, thirstier than she’d ever been before and drop-dead tired – unheard of for the “energizer bunny” who did crossfit workouts sometimes twice a day.

“It really happened overnight,” said the 39-year-old.

After two days struggling to get through her days at work, she went to the military hospital, but the doctor didn’t recognize the signs for what they were: Lyme.

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One Comment

  1. This articles headline doesn’t do Lyme victims any favors implying that you can still follow your dreams and open a business with Lyme Disease! This woman had two months of antibiotic treatment and is still getting antibiotic treatment by an LLMD in the States.

    Yes, recovered people can go on to follow their dreams.

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