Healthwise magazine – Ottawa – Lyme Disease
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Read the article in Healthwise magazine by clicking on link, then use the interactive reading tool by putting your cursor over the magazine. Use the arrows to go to page 42.
[CanLyme Note: Judith Miklossy, PhD, was a founding Board member of CanLyme in 2003 and remained until she moved back to her home in Switzerland from British Columbia in 2009. Her research ethics and standards are impeccable and well recognized.] By Jill U. Adams TheScientist In late 2011, Drexel University dermatology professor Herbert Allen was astounded to…
LISTEN TO SONG BELOW: Children in Canada are suffering from Chronic Lyme Disease, please help them out and sign the petition, they deserve to have access to treatment and accurate testing for this disease. VOCAL TEEN GROUP (Voices Of Canadians Against Lyme) Sign Petition Listen Now
Biologist Vett Lloyd says it’s no longer a localized problem and everyone should be on alert CBC News – Posted: Jun 6, 2013 A New Brunswick biologist says the number of ticks carrying Lyme disease in the province continues to rise and people should be on alert. Vett Lloyd, who has been collecting samples of blacklegged…
Aug 15th, Fox News : Dr. Neil Spector’s Lyme story on “Fox and Friends”
Abstract Lyme disease (LD), caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, is the most common vector-borne disease in USA and Europe. Despite the standard 2-4 weeks antibiotic treatment, approximately 10%-20% of patients will develop post-treatment LD syndrome, a condition that is poorly understood. One of the probable causes is thought to be the presence of B. burgdorferi persister forms that are not…
By Jim Moodie, The Sudbury Star, August 26th, 2015 The city is experiencing a minor rash of Lyme-carrying ticks, any one of which could cause a major rash to form on the skin of an infected person. On Tuesday, the Sudbury and District Health Unit reported two blacklegged ticks had tested positive for the Lyme disease…