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The New Yorker: A New Front in the Lyme Wars [a very balanced well written article]

By Michael Specter On December 15th, without much ceremony or public comment, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a law that has the potential to change the way medicine in New York is practiced. Frequently referred to as the Lyme Doctor Protection Act, the law prohibits the state board of medicine from investigating complaints of substandard care…

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Ottawa, Canada: Lyme disease can’t keep Manotick baker down

 Manotick News By  Emma Jackson   Veronique Ayling has been dreaming of her own cupcake shop for the better part of a decade. The Greely resident grew up in the Laurentians baking with her grandmother, but instead of opening her own shop she joined the Canadian Armed Forces, where she works in its investigations unit. But…

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United States: Lyme Victory as Bill passes US House of Representatives

[CanLyme note: Congratulations to to the US House of Representatives for passing this important legislation. Years of hard work by Lyme disease advocates and dedicated representatives has moved the Lyme issue one step closer to taking the control away from the medical political, for-profit associated, bureaucrats and giving it back to pure scientists and patients….

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CBC TV Manitoba: Tick season in Manitoba: Causes death

Tick season in Manitoba: causes death In 2011, Michelle Millar and her partner Jim were bitten by ticks carrying Lyme disease and other illnesses. Jim later died. CBC’s Jill Coubrough reports. Michelle gives a great talk on how her life as she knew it was taken from her.  Victim or Lyme, and victim of a…

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CBC TV, Ottawa : Lyme Disease advocate calls for stronger treatment

Advocates for people with Lyme disease want public health agencies to take a more aggressive stance in treating the tick-carried disease early, before it leads to later health complications.  With summer weather arriving, Ottawa Public Health is again warning the public to watch out for signs of Lyme disease, an infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi,…

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Long-term Lyme disease treatment doesn’t burden insurers, panel says

By Christian M. Wade  Statehouse Reporter The Eagle Tribune Sat May 24, 2014, 12:07 AM EDT BOSTON – Lyme disease patients who suffer chronic symptoms look to long-term antibiotics for help, but often they lose support of insurers who are only willing to pay for short-term treatment. Rep. Theodore Speliotis, D-Danvers, has tried for nearly a…

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Endemicity of Anaplasma phagocytophilum (previously Ehrlichia spp.) and Babesia microti in Wisconsin, USA: benchmark results following introduction of molecular diagnostic methods for routine patient management (2012-2013)

ECCMID Spain, May 10-13th, 2014 Fritsche T.R.; Marti T.N.; Schotthoefer A.M.; Uphoff T.S OBJECTIVES: To establish benchmark prevalence rates of tick-borne diseases (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Ehrlichia spp., and Babesia microti) post-introduction of nucleic acid amplification assays in an endemic region of the upper Midwestern USA. Expanding distribution of the tick vectors Ixodes scapularis and, to a lesser…

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Global TV Edmonton, Canada, Ticks and Lyme Disease: what you need to know

 May 22, 2014 EDMONTON — With sunny weather and lush wilderness across Canada, many people are heading outdoors for camping, hiking or picnics in wooded areas. That’s also where a serious health risk could be lurking in the form of small, blood-sucking ticks. These insects become infected once they’ve fed on mice, squirrels, birds or…

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Barrie mom launches battle to help son and others stricken by Lyme disease

Paul Weyer hasn’t kissed his wife since November 2012. It’s not that Paul doesn’t want to kiss his wife, Tara, it’s simply that he doesn’t want to spread Babesia and the other tick-borne diseases he’s been fighting for the past two years. Weyer was born and grew up in Barrie with his five siblings in…

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Vermont passes bill into law that protects doctors who treat Lyme Disease appropriately without fear of persecution from their own licensing boards

[CanLyme note: Medical boards are very good at skirting these laws by going into a Lyme doctor’s practice on trumped-up complaints that make it look like Lyme disease was not the reason for the investigation.  It is now incumbant upon Lyme advocacy groups to monitor for this abuse of the medical profession’s privilege to self-police so that…

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Scientists discover unnamed disease carried by deer ticks

[Canlyme note : The notion or suggestion that Borrelia miyamotoi is a new disease, is at this point in time proposterous. It is Lyme Disease. This is as silly as saying that each winter season there is a new disease called the flu. The flu is the flu, caused by many strains. Lyme Disease is a disease…

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Call for a “Manhattan Project” to Combat the Epidemic

 Citation: Stricker RB, Johnson L (2014) Lyme Disease: Call for a “Manhattan Project” to Combat the Epidemic. PLoS Pathog 10(1): e1003796.            doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003796 Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne illness in the world today. Until recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported an average of only 30,000 cases of Lyme disease per year…

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Bayer Leads Unique Effort to Support Global Public Health by Fighting Vector-Borne Diseases

Release date- 09012014 – Leverkusen, – Nearly half of the world’s population is infected with at least one type of vector-borne disease (1). These diseases are transmitted from parasites to animals and humans, and have a significant impact on public health and our global economy. The economic impact of Lyme disease alone is estimated to…

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Lyme disease controversies over diagnosis, treatment at Canada’s first complex, chronic disease program clinic

By Pamela Fayerman Dr. Lucy Kinninmonth has been to about 20 different medical specialists in the past year, all of whom doubt she’s got chronic Lyme disease even though her symptoms, along with a blood test she had in the U.S., confirmed it, as far as she’s concerned. The Port Coquitlam veterinarian is now one of 650…