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Scientists discover unnamed disease carried by deer ticks

[Canlyme note : The notion or suggestion that Borrelia miyamotoi is a new disease, is at this point in time proposterous. It is Lyme Disease. This is as silly as saying that each winter season there is a new disease called the flu. The flu is the flu, caused by many strains. Lyme Disease is a disease caused from a wide range of BorreliaBorrelia miyamotoi is not new, detection methods have simply grown beyond the harmful two-tier trest currently used to define and restrict Lyme Disease to only a tiny subset of the Lyme Disease bacteria known now to exist in North America and the rest of the world. Lyme Disease is more correctly called borreliosis, caused by any strain of Borrelia. Lyme Disease advocates and scientists have been trying for two decades to tell Tufts, Harvard, Yale, et al that Lyme Disease is not only that which is defined by the poor test they concocted, and now that science has got to the point that it is obvious, they are calling other Borrelia a “new disease” to avoid showing their years of error.]
“by thomas leskin (staff writer tleskin [at] republicanherald [dot] com)

Published: April 6, 2014

A new, unnamed tick-borne disease has been found in the same bug that carries Lyme disease.

According to Tufts Now, a news site of Tufts University, Medford, Mass., scientists recently surveyed Borrelia miyamotoi bacteria floating in spinal fluid that caused the disease in an 80-year-old New Jersey woman.

The spiral bacteria, which caused the disease in the woman, who was treated with antibiotics and has since recovered, is said to look similar to spirochete bacteria that can cause Lyme disease.

Sam Telford, an expert on tick-borne diseases and a professor in the Department of Infectious Diseases and Global Health at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, told Tufts Now that researchers have known that the bacteria existed in the Northeast in deer ticks, but there was little data linking it to human disease until now.

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