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Ottawa… Fighting Lyme Disease

A small bug is causing big problems for hundreds of Canadians.  The deer  tick can carry bacteria that cause Lyme disease.  If it’s caught early,  Lyme disease is very treatable. But that’s the problem; it sometimes goes  undiagnosed and Canadians who are very sick with this disease say they are being  told it is all in their heads.

As a nature photographer, Heather King spent a lot of time outside.

“We would go outside all the time in nature,” says King as she sits at her  computer, looking through hundreds of photos she had taken of wildlife. “We  would hike, take photos.”

Read more: https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/fighting-lyme-disease-1.1275791#ixzz2TBO5zb9P

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  1. WE’re working hard here in Ottawa to make changes! A very active group!

  2. Congratulations to Heather King and her friends for successfully bringing media attention to the prevalence of Lyme disease in the Ottawa region. And to the Ottawa Lyme support group for the information evening with Dr. Murakami. Anyone wishing info on my lobbying efforts with the Ontario Ombudsman or the federal government may contact me at Spiritquest [at] bell [dot] net.

  3. I went to Florida in the late 80’s. In Florida I was diagnosed and treated for tick bites. When I returned to Ontario boy oh boy was I sick. This is over 20 years later and still i’m sick. The ripple effect is this: the school phoned the children’s aid about us being sick and missing school, the children’s aid took all 4 of my children without investigation, I have been fighting in the courts for 4 years, I have not seen my children for 3 of those years, I have been forced to leave my choice job of gymnastics and trampoline coaching and abandon a level 2 certification, I had to live on welfare when no job was available in my rural area, no doctor will believe me so I remain sick, my children are at risk without a medical professional to help us, my ex has used the courts to force me to sell my house I funded and built without a mortgage and before him. I have nothing left except a sick me. My children have been forcibly alienated from me. Through this challenge, I estimating I have gone from an independent citizen and community volunteer without reliance on government programs to a sick and broken individual who has been forced to spend approx. a quarter of a million dollars on government spending of programs that has added to the deficit. FORCED at all times. Never has it occurred to anyone that a lyme doctor and appropriate medications could have prevented the sickness from progressing and the careless spending of government officials just to keep me alive and sick. It is obvious in the best interests this family could have stayed well, independent, and free of adding to the deficit. Does it not occur to this government that keeping wellness is paramount to the non-dysfunctional ways they promote. This government spent hundreds of thousands preventing us from becoming well instead of tens of thousands promoting our wellness and ability to contribute to our community. SAD, DYDSFUNCTIONAL, ABUSIVE. I am ashamed to be Canadian under these circumstances 🙁

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