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Bayer Leads Unique Effort to Support Global Public Health by Fighting Vector-Borne Diseases

Release date- 09012014 – Leverkusen, – Nearly half of the world’s population is infected with at least one type of vector-borne disease (1).

These diseases are transmitted from parasites to animals and humans, and have a significant impact on public health and our global economy. The economic impact of Lyme disease alone is estimated to be well over $3 billion annually (2). And as international travel makes the spread of disease faster and easier, it is increasingly important for veterinarians and public health professionals to understand prevalent vector-borne diseases.

Today, Bayer HealthCare’s Animal Health Division is opening the online registration and inviting veterinarians, physicians, and public health professionals to join a global web conference on zoonotic vector-borne disease. This 3rd annual Canine Vector-Borne Disease (CVBD) web conference takes place Thursday, 20th March 2014, to raise awareness of parasitic diseases such as those transmitted via ticks (Lyme disease), fleas (canine bartonellosis), and sand flies (leishmaniosis). For this web conference, there will be two sessions: a targeted case study session for veterinarians and a roundtable session for veterinarians, physicians, and allied and public health professionals.

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