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CBC TV Manitoba: Tick season in Manitoba: Causes death

Tick season in Manitoba: causes death

In 2011, Michelle Millar and her partner Jim were bitten by ticks carrying Lyme disease and other illnesses. Jim later died. CBC’s Jill Coubrough reports.

Michelle gives a great talk on how her life as she knew it was taken from her.  Victim or Lyme, and victim of a very poor medical system.

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  1. I too was bitten by a tick, EM rash 3 years ago. A little doxy finally after a big fight and begging. But it was 3 months later. Still fighting, reading and looking for help. So good to see that finally in June 2014 people are finding Lyme disease is here (and potentially rampant). I need a diagnosis (reliable testing) and treatment. I think I have a right to be treated and through our medical and Medicare system. The drug companies should get to work because any day now they can make some big money on this disease. It’s everywhere.

  2. I was bitten in my head by a wood tick in June 2014. I did not find the tick for 4 to 5 days later stuck to my long hair. I am not sure what kind of tick because i was freaked out when i found it. A few days after i was very fatigue not thinking anything of it. I then started getting fever and chills on going. then my head was on fire never stopped ache. The glands swelled I then went to Doctor and told her that i thought it might be Lime Disease. This Flue like symptoms hit fast and was the worst experience. I also got high Blood Presure that was had no explaination. I could of Died this is deadly. I still feel like i have the bad flue virus and i am on a antibiotic. It has been 2 weeks and I am still waiting for results from Lab. I will get more testing if comes up negative because I don’t believe its not limes.

  3. I live in selkirk manitiba. I found a tick engorged in my head. I think it was in my head for at least 4 days. On july 2. I was in Dauphin Mb. I didnt feel symptoms until 2 days later. I was tired for days and then my headaches started more symtoms appeared. I had lime test taken at hospital and it came back negative. I was on antibiotics for 3 weeks and I still feel really ill. A walking viral. I need another test done but doctor does not believe its lime. Now I have to go to the states because knowone will help me.

  4. Hello. I think I contracted Lyme (RMSF) when I was very young,along with brothers and sister in Carman Manitoba. We grew up in the bushes west of Carman. We took tools off of us every day. Then in 1989 i was very sick with liver issues. They said it was a drug induced but now i do not believe it. We have all been struggling for many years and now live in Alberta. We are ages44, 48, 49, 51 and 52. I was tested positive to carry RMSF antibodies in 2009 but the doctors will do nothing. Right now I am not working much and my wife had to go to work full time. What is wrong with our system? Dogs and cats get tested for more strains than humans do.

    Screaming for help…..403-795-5551

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