Responses to: Combatting Lyme disease myths and the ‘chronic Lyme industry’ – Canadian Medical Association Journal

LymeNB reacts to CMAJ news article: Combatting Lyme disease myths and the ‘chronic Lyme industry’ by Wendy Glauser, Toronto. September 17, 2019

LymeNB was horrified to read the CMAJ news article published on September 17 that spoke about how the patient-facing toolkit being developed by the Centre for Effective Practice (CEP) in partnership with the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease (AMMI) in Canada would serve to combat, as the title suggested, Lyme disease myths and the ‘chronic Lyme industry’. How disrespectful for the patient community! …  Read full text


Margaret Schaefer, Registered Nurse, Litchfield County Lyme Network

Picture a two year old child running through the beautiful fields and forests of Connecticut. Then picture two weeks down the line the child presents with a febrile illness in the middle of July. The parents are informed by the pediatrician that the child has a “summer flu”. The parents were not warned sufficiently … Read full text


[CanLyme Note: The science is very weak for the effectiveness of prophylaxis.  Doctors Canada wide are also improperly administering this as a treatment, not prevention. CanLyme receives many complaints from individuals. There is much misinformation in the medical literature, most of which comes from private infectious disease organizations who do not follow ethical standards for what constitutes medical evidence. Infectious disease physicians are not scientists yet they put themselves forward as experts, so be very wary of the following…]

Eugene Y.H., Resident physician, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Ottawa, ON, Canada

I see that this CMAJ article is mainly advocating against over-treating unconfirmed Lyme’s disease. However, I would also like to bring up the counterargument, in which clinicians hesitate to start Lyme disease prophylaxis that lead to adverse consequences to patients, such as arthritis and cranial nerve palsies… Read full text.

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