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Canadian government asked by international Health Equity committee to reverse secretive, harmful, and unethical interference that will affect mothers and children worldwide.

December 22, 2018 Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, Honorable Minister Ginette Petitpas-Taylor, Honorable Minister Jody Wilson-Rebould, Dr. Mithani, Dr. Tam, Honorable Andrew Scheer, Elizabeth May and Jagmeet Singh and Kimberly Elmslie, I am the Director of the Ad Hoc Committee for Health Equity in ICD11 Borreliosis Codes (or Ad Hoc Committee). The Ad Hoc Committee is…

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Doctors, public left in the dark on danger to babies – Chronicle Herald

Published in the Chronicle Herald newspaper December 21, 2018 by Jane Bailey The following statement is false. You can only get Lyme disease from a black-legged tick. The next two statements are true. You can pass Lyme disease to your unborn baby. Your baby can suffer very serious adverse outcomes, including from miscarriage, stillbirth, and…

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Canada: A systematic review on the impact of gestational Lyme disease in humans on the fetus and newborn

[CanLyme Note: We at CanLyme want to thank Sue Faber and Jennifer Kravis for their excellent persistent hard work in making this review happen and inviting us to participate in their journey. Also, the immensely important assistance and input from Ralph Hawkins, MD, and Vett Lloyd, PhD, brought the science to the forefront. Finally, much…