Doctor checking up back of patient in hospital.
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Medical Gaslighting and Lyme Disease: The Patient Experience

Published December 29, 2023 in Healthcare Authored by Jennifer L. Fagen, Jeremy A. Shelton, Jenna Luché-Thayer Abstract: Even though there are approximately half a million new cases of Lyme disease in the US annually, according to the CDC, it is often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, which can result in a chronic, multisystemic condition. Lyme disease is…

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Nova Scotia’s top doctor takes heat over retweet dismissing chronic Lyme disease

[CanLyme Note: Once you read this article you will see that the Nova Scotia Minister of Health chimed in with the usual pre-formatted line that the province follows evidence-based guidelines. For research and science to become evidence, it requires transparent debate with stakeholders. There is no more important stakeholder in health care than the sick patient…

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Chronic Lyme European PLEASE Trial—You know it’s spin when treatment “success” is called “failure”?

March 30th, 2016 Today a widely anticipated clinical trial on chronic Lyme disease from Europe called PLEASE was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).  The press has given the trial a twenty trumpet salute with a MedPage headline reading “Long-Term Antibiotics Fail Again in Lyme Disease–Focus on Lyme and antibiotics for persistent…

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Massachusetts State House: An Act Relative to Lyme Disease Treatment Coverage.

Published on Nov 23, 2015 Hearing for bill H. 901 and S. 502, An Act Relative to Lyme Disease Treatment Coverage. Date: Tuesday, October 20 at 11:00 am in the Gardner Auditorium at the Massachusetts State House Access full video

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Blumenthal, Lyme disease advocacy giant, salutes researcher

By Greenwich Post on March 2, 2016 Thousands in the Lyme disease community hail U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) as a pioneer for the cause, who has worked for nearly 20 years with Global Lyme Alliance. Some of the highlights of his advocacy work: Ten years ago, as Attorney General, Blumenthal launched an investigation into…

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The Scientist: The Search for Persisters

It starts with a tick bite. This may be followed by the characteristic bullseye rash. And then the other symptoms of Lyme disease appear. Fever, fatigue, body aches, and headaches can all set in. For most patients diagnosed with Lyme disease, the symptoms fade as the infection is cleared following a course of antibiotics. But…

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Persister Development by B. burgdorferi Populations In Vitro

[CanLyme note: The researchers acknowledge in their paper that their findings are limited to doxycycline, alone, at their prescribed dosages.  The paper adds to the long list of articles that substantiate chronic persistent Lyme Disease beyond short term antibiotics and continued benefit while antibiotics are present.] John R. Caskey, Monica E. Embers ABSTRACT   Doxycycline is a…

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The Lyme Disease Research Foundation is pleased to announce the April 2015 opening of The Lyme Disease Clinical Research Center in the Division of Rheumatology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The Center was established with a major gift from the Lyme Disease Research Foundation and represents the culmination of years of extraordinary…

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Listen to testimony of Elizabeth May, MP, Jim Wilson, CanLyme, and Nicole Bottles, patient as they speak to the federal government of Canada’s Health Committe on Bill C-442 the National Lyme Disease Strategy Act

This is a private member’s Bill put before parliament that looks like it will pass into law as a result of all party support.  A private member’s Bill can only ask for limited action.  It cannot ask government to commit money for example.  This Bill was written to be the best it could be within…

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The Early Dissemination Defect Attributed to Disruption of Decorin-Binding Proteins Is Abolished in Chronic Murine Lyme Borreliosis

doi: 10.1128/IAI.01359-12 Infect. Immun. May 2013 vol. 81 no. 5 1663-1673    Denise M. Imaia, D. Scott Samuelsb, Sunlian Fenga, Emir Hodzica, Kim Olsena and Stephen W. Bartholda Center for Comparative Medicine, Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of California at Davis, Davis, California, USAa Division of Biological Sciences, The University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USAb R. P. Morrison, Editor + Author…


Job posting for physicians – Vancouver, BC

Physicians – Complex Chronic Medicine Complex Chronic Diseases Program (CCDP) BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre UBC Faculty of Medicine Vancouver, BC Part Time (0.05-0.4 FTE, to be determined based on availability) The Complex Chronic Diseases Program (CCDP) is a multidisciplinary program that treats patients with Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome….