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Researchers strive for vaccine against tick-borne diseases

[CanLyme note: notice that most USA National Institute of Health funding only goes to find a way of monetizing Lyme disease so that companies can profit off of the sick. Virtually no research is funded to identify the prevalence in the current population of the chronically ill, who have been given everything but a Lyme…

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Australia: Federal Government sets up Committee to Investigate Lyme disease

[CanLyme note: the oldest tactic used in Lyme disease misinformation proliferation is; from country to country each of the country’s medical “leadership” state that all cases have occurred elsewhere, never in their country. That is nonsense, and they will go to great lengths to make these unfounded, unproven statements because they ‘can and will’ only positively confirm those cases that have…

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Lyme Disease Think Tank, British Columbia’s Women’s Hospital Complex Chronic Disease Program, Vancouver, BC Canada

On April 13th, 2013, a one day Think Tank was held for the medical professionals at the BC Women’s Hospital invloved with the Complex Chronic disease Program headed by Medical Director, Dr. Alison Bested. Here are YouTube presentations of each of the presenters at the symposium; 1) Dr. Alison Bested’s opening remarks including the introduction…

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Exclusive: Encephalitis virus found in local ticks

First there was Lyme disease. Then came two malaria-like infectious diseases, babesiosis and anaplasmosis. Now a new study indicates that an unexpectedly high percentage of black-legged ticks in the mid-Hudson Valley also carry a virus that can cause swelling of the brain and, in some cases, death. The study, published today in the journal Parasites…

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CNN : Why you should be afraid of Lyme disease

Editor’s note: Pamela Weintraub is the author of “Cure Unknown: Inside the Lyme Epidemic” (St. Martin’s Press), winner of the 2009 American Medical Writers Association book award, and executive editor of Discover magazine. Follow her on Twitter: @pam3001 (CNN) — Our nightmare began in 1993 after we moved from the city to a house down…


Environmentalist gets results through persistent pursuit of documents

VANCOUVER — The Globe and Mail Published Sunday, Jul. 07 2013, 10:00 PM EDT As a child, Gwen Barlee learned the value of digging deeper, but it was not until she grew up and began to investigate government that her perseverance really paid off. Ms. Barlee, policy director of the Wilderness Committee, has carved out…

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CanLyme president, Jim Wilson speaks to Canada AM, CTV’s national news show, about Lyme disease.

Patients have to go to United States just to get a proper diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease.  Too few voices are allowed to direct health care policy while excluding the victims and their experts.  Watch the TV interview


Dynamics of connective-tissue localization during chronic Borrelia burgdorferi infection

Laboratory Investigation , (24 June 2013) | doi :10.1038/labinvest.2013.81 Denise M Imai, Sunlian Feng, Emir Hodzic and Stephen W Barthold Abstract The etiologic agent of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, localizes preferentially in the extracellular matrix during persistence. In chronically infected laboratory mice, there is a direct association between B. burgdorferi and the proteoglycan decorin, which…

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Winery owner building research centre for Lyme Disease

ByJoanna Frketich The founder of an Ontario winery with area connections is working to create a research facility for Lyme disease with the hope it will one day test and treat patients.                         Rossana Di Zio Magnotta saw firsthand the lack of knowledge in Canada on how to diagnose and treat the debilitating disease as her…

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Glut of deer ticks raises fear of Lyme disease

Thunder Bay health unit changes priority to collect deer ticks CBC News Posted: Jul  2, 2013   1:17 PM ET An increase in the number of deer ticks in Northwestern Ontario, which can cause Lyme disease, has prompted the Thunder Bay District Health Unit to spend more time on that problem and less on trapping mosquitoes. Entomologist…


Lyme disease isn’t just Borrelia burgdorferi and Lone Star ticks do transmit Lyme disease study proves.

UNF Researchers Make Big Discovery About Lyme Disease [CanLyme note: Lone star ticks will make their way into Canada and are much more aggressive than the black-legged (deer tick) species.  We at CanLyme have also been stating for years that Lyme disease is a borreliosis, not only caused by Borrelia burgdorferi… the significance of this is…

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Canadians trapped in Lyme disease limbo

Two Hamilton-area women are among the growing number of Canadians with Lyme disease paying tens of thousands of dollars to get antibiotics in the United States because of a rift in the medical community over how to diagnose and treat the infection. “It’s a very controversial topic,” said Dr. Michael Gardam, director of infection prevention…

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Silver ‘boost to antibiotic success’

Adding silver to antibiotics makes them 10 to 1,000 times more effective at fighting infections, research suggests. Silver has been used as an antimicrobial for centuries, but little has been known about how it works. The new research suggests adding it to existing antibiotics could counteract the rise of drug-resistant microbes. Experiments in mice showed…


First positive tick on a human for Lyme disease in Windsor-Essex area

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is warning the public after the first  tick collected from a human this year has tested positive for Lyme disease. The tick was sent to the health unit after it was found on a person who was  in Point Pelee National Park in April. It was sent to the Public…