Australia: Federal Government sets up Committee to Investigate Lyme disease
[CanLyme note: the oldest tactic used in Lyme disease misinformation proliferation is; from country to country each of the country’s medical “leadership” state that all cases have occurred elsewhere, never in their country. That is nonsense, and they will go to great lengths to make these unfounded, unproven statements because they ‘can and will’ only positively confirm those cases that have occurred elsewhere while they deny those that occur at home, leaving those people sick and disabled. This is a phenomenon seen in all the major western countries who are beholding to the USA’s Center for Disease Control and the Infectious Disease Society of America who appear to want to continue inventing a drug for every symptom, while ignoring the cause of disease and stopping symptoms in their track. The goal appears to be to have all of us on various drugs for the rest of our lives, making trillions of dollars for pharma industries… so be wary of the true intent of this ‘federal investigation’ as they notoriously exclude Lyme patients and their experts on their panels and committees]
The Federal Government has launched an investigation to figure out if Lyme disease is causing illness in Australians. The disease is known to be caused by ticks. It is the most common tick-borne disease in North America and Europe.
Antibiotics can treat the disease effectively, provided it is diagnosed early. Federal and state health departments have ensured no evidence of Lyme disease in Australia for the past 20 years.
However, the community and some clinicians have argued the existence of the disease. This has led the federal government to set up a clinical advisory committee for investigation of evidence of the disease.
Final report will be submitted by the end of this year. According to a spokesman for the federal Department of Health and Ageing, there is no current authoritative evidence of Lyme disease that can be contracted in Australia.
He said Australian sufferers who were treated by doctors had contracted the disease outside Australia. He said, “It is well acknowledged that Lyme disease can be contracted in some overseas countries and has been diagnosed in some Australian travelers on their return home”.