SPECIAL REPORT The maddening saga of how an Alzheimer’s ‘cabal’ thwarted progress toward a cure for decades
[CanLyme Note: Any research that showed that infectious diseases such as Lyme disease have been found to have a role in developing dementia’s including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have been methodically ignored and dismissed. The emphasis on beta-amyloid plaques as the cause of AD has put us years behind. Plaques are simply a symptom, a result of a process, be it an infection or something else. They are not the cause of Alzheimer’s. People without any dementia who died from other causes had the same amyloid plaques. Lyme disease is caused by a spirochetal bacteria of the genus borrelia. Other spirochetal bacteria include the syphilis causing bacteria and one causing periodontal disease, both of the genus treponema, that along with Lyme borrelia have been implicated in AD, “Borrelia burgdorferi was detected in the brain in 25.3% of AD cases analyzed and was 13 times more frequent in AD compared to controls. Periodontal pathogen Treponemas (T. pectinovorum, T. amylovorum, T. lecithinolyticum, T. maltophilum, T. medium, T. socranskii) and Borrelia burgdorferi were detected using species specific PCR and antibodies. Importantly, co-infection with several spirochetes occurs in AD. The pathological and biological hallmarks of AD were reproduced in vitro by exposure of mammalian cells to spirochetes” The article below is a glaring example of research corruption and the same obstruction, bullying, and corruption dominates Lyme disease, causing untold deaths, and disability. Lyme disease researchers in Canada face a hidden agenda administered by hidden “reviewers’ who answer to no one outside of their controlled group. The Canadian Institute of Health Research Health Canada, medical schools, and health law institutes are awash with corruption and dogma. This swamp must be drained via public oversight to curtail one of the largest medical frauds in history.]
“In the 30 years that biomedical researchers have worked determinedly to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, their counterparts have developed drugs that helped cut deaths from cardiovascular disease by more than half, and cancer drugs able to eliminate tumors that had been incurable. But for Alzheimer’s, not only is there no cure, there is not even a disease-slowing treatment.
The brain, Alzheimer’s researchers patiently explain, is hard — harder than the heart, harder even than cancer. While that may be true, it is increasingly apparent that there is another, more disturbing reason for the tragic lack of progress: The most influential researchers have long believed so dogmatically in one theory of Alzheimer’s that they systematically thwarted alternative approaches. Several scientists described those who controlled the Alzheimer’s agenda as “a cabal.”