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Lyme disease treatment needs better approach, Conservatives say

Tim Houston and the Progressive Conservatives are urging the province to take a new approach to combating the growing Lyme disease endemic in Nova Scotia.

“The province’s focus on prevention is skirting the real issue that people will continue to be bitten by ticks in this province and people are continuing to contract Lyme disease,” said the Progressive Conservative leader.

The leader of the opposition is urging the Department of Health to address what he calls the health-care system’s inconsistent approach to diagnosing and treating Lyme disease in Nova Scotia.

But so far the province’s health minister has been non-committal to the bill Houston tabled at the legislature on Thursday. It calls for a new comprehensive provincial strategy to combatting Lyme disease in Nova Scotia. That means bringing together infectious disease researchers, family physicians and patient groups, he says.

[CanLyme Note: Infectious Disease researchers/doctors are for the most part not scientists. They are are very closed group of ‘self-proclaimed experts’ who refuse to work with patients and their supportive hard working bench scientists, and supportive physicians. Collectively the Infectious Disease community are anti-science pro-dogma and have caused more harm to Canadians with tick borne disease than with any other disease in history. They are hired and paid big money by disability insurers to work against you if you contract Lyme disease on the job. They are heavily supported by the drug companies who are making millions of dollars providing drugs for each of the many symptoms of Lyme disease while not treating the cause using fear tactics about antibiotic resistance. If treating Lyme disease properly was such a concern in causing antibiotic resistance then the entire north-eastern United States should be a cesspool of antibiotic resistant bacteria because for 4 decades hundreds of thousands of people there have been treated effectively with longer term antibiotics. We have asked for the studies to be done but have been ignored. To date Canadian Infectious Disease doctors have got away with this with the full support of government, and, they are now in total control of the antibiotic stewardship programs across Canada funded by you an I. The bias and industry influence abounds uncontrolled to date. Canadians deserve better.]

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