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Squamish, BC: Local woman tells nightmare of Lyme disease

Awareness evening to be held in Squamish next week


Kerri Currier / Squamish Chief / June 4, 2015

Squamish is a gorgeous natural playground to raise a family. However, the security I had in nature came to a halt upon learning the reality of Lyme disease treatment in B.C. I presented to the walk-in clinic with half a tick in my arm and was told not to worry about Lyme in the area. I’m now dealing with late-stage Lyme disease, its long term treatment and costs.

Health Canada has confirmed that the southern mainland and coast of British Columbia are endemic for Lyme disease. Many people will never notice they were bit by a tick and erythema migrans rash will show up in less than 50 per cent of people, according to the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (Canlyme). …

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  1. “The long-term medication is making drastic improvements in my health on a weekly basis.

    Sadly, my case isn’t mandated to be reportable as I have blood work done outside of Canada. There are thousands in my situation in Canada. That is why the incidence rate is so low.”

  2. I feel for you, Cathy as I have gone through so much with Lyme as well. Dr. Eric Chan of Richmond has been treating me for 2 years. He is a wonderful doctor! His phone number is 604-275-0163. This could save you both time and money with his being so close and ever so knowledgeable. He is not an MD, but rather, a Naturopath so he is able to prescribe antibiotics for the long term. I pray that you will soon be rid of this horrible disease! Take care.

  3. Kelly I have had very similar symptoms. The weakness in my left leg is such that I was in a walker and am now in a wheelchair. My doctor will not even consider Lyme disease despite all the markers that seem to indicate that it is a very possible that this is the cause. I am wondering if you would share who your doctor in the U.S. is as I am desperate to find someone who will give me the proper tests and, if appropriate, the proper treatment.

  4. Bonnie – Get an Igenex Lyme Western Blot IgM and IgG test done. You can order the test from Igenex. Have a Dr. sign the lab req – any Dr. can sign (your GP, or Chiropractor) – also there are Naturopathic Dr.’s on the lower mainland who have the test kits…and are Lyme Literate.

  5. I also, was not treated for Lyme disease after falling sick 4 days after being bitten by a tick in the Eastern US. Not diagnosed for 14 years, I struggled to heal myself of this huge physical illness that had changed my life and made my quality of life very minimal. I found Dr Chan, he is a no nonsense, well educated and well respected Doctor who guided me through this Lyme maze. I am finally to the point where I feel more energy and less pain. I would say I am definitely in remission and would love to say soon we have eradicated the spirochete from within me. He is hands down the best and most knowledgable I have found. I also prescribe to Dr. Marty Ross’s website for questions that arise during my recovery.

    Best to you and never give up.

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