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German expert organization of researchers, physicians, and professors publish objections to Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) guidelines

The German organization Deutsche Borreliose Gesellschaft submitted their evidence based objections to the IDSA much maligned Lyme disease guidelines.

The Deutsche Borreliose Gesellschaft (German Society of Lyme-Borreliosis) raises objections to the IDSA Lyme Guidelines published in 2006. The fundamental basis for our objections is that the implementation of the IDSA guidelines extends beyond the United States and into Europe. Accordingly, our ability to diagnose and treat patients with Lyme disease is being severely restricted by these guidelines, and we believe that the guidelines must be revised to provide greater flexibility in the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease given the poor laboratory test sensitivity, the persistence of the organism despite adherence to IDSA protocols, and the seriousness of this illness.

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  1. I have chronic lyme with many neurological manifestations as well as joint involvement. I have had several surgeries due to severe joint degeneration and have tested positive for Rickettsia as well as Anaplasma. I did have a tick bite with Bulls Eye Rash over 20 years ago.

    My question:

    A MD I saw recently prescribed “The German Protocol” which is IM injections of Pennicilloin and oral Diflucan. I have not been able to find any info/research on this protocol, has anyone heard about this or know of anyone who has tried this?

    Thank you so very much, appreciate any help!

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