Lyme disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and inflamation – the relationship
For several years now it has been known that spirochetal bacteria have been identified in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients and that inflamation plays a significant role. Infectious organisims have long been thought to be a cause or trigger of Alzheimer’s disease, and Borrelia have been implicated along with other spirochetal bacteria.
Here is a quote from ,
“Those who were analyzing all types of spirochetes including or periodontal pathogen Treponemas, which are expected to be frequent candidates (Miklossy, 1993; Riviere et al, 2004) detected spirochetes in more than 97% of the Alzheimer’s cases analyzed.
It is known that spirochetes frequently co-infect with other bacteria. Therefore, the consideration of co-infecting pathogens in Alzheimer’s disease is also important.
The accumulated old historic and new observations and the fact that Fischer (1907) and Alois Alzheimer himself (1911) discussed the possibility that microorgansisms may play a role in the formation of senile plaques in AD indicate that it is an obligation for us to consider that infectious agents may play a role in Alzheimer’s disease. Today, to support this emerging field of research is essential, particularly, as adequate therapy is available.”