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Migratory Songbirds Transport Amblyomma longirostre and Amblyomma maculatum Ticks to Canada

ABSTRACT Birds transport ticks into Canada during northward spring migration, and some of these ticks are infected with tick-borne zoonotic pathogens. Some Amblyomma species harbour pathogens that cause debilitating diseases that can be fatal to humans, and domestic and wildlife animals. At least 65 Amblyomma spp. are indigenous in the Western Hemisphere, and approximately half…

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New podcast: Climate change, migratory birds, and four season tick awareness

We turn our gaze northward to Thunder Bay, Ontario to chat with entomologist Dr. Ken Deacon. While working on a contract with the Thunder Bay District Health Unit, he saw the first wood tick in the Thunder Bay area in 2003. He then saw the first black-legged tick in 2005 and has continued to follow…

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Timmins, Ontario: Tick taken from local resident linked to Lyme disease

[CanLyme Note: Continuing to inform the public as to whether they are in a low risk or high risk area is wrong and disarming. Considering the abundance of science it is alarming that public health still feels the need to not report the complete picture. Ticks are transported randomly by migratory birds such as robins, wrens,…

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Canadian Press – Lyme disease: Patients living in ‘medical limbo’ push for federal strategy

Keith Doucette, The Canadian Press, posted September 11, 2016 Lack of awareness, diagnosis and treatment by doctors a problem in Lyme disease battle: advocates The health issues piled up for Donna Lugar, one on top of another: She had breathing trouble, vision and hearing problems, even heart issues, but finding a cause was elusive. “Occasionally…

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Black-legged ticks found at Riding Mountain National Park

[CanLyme Note: “Officials aren’t ready yet to sound the alarms”… here we are in 2016 and Health Canada still refuses to let the public in on the truth… Lyme disease carrying ticks are found anywhere that our friendly robins, finches, wren, and other passerine birds fly in Canada.  Measuring by known risk areas and rating them…

Halifax, NS, Canada: We must understand risk of ticks & Lyme Disease

By Brenda Sterling-Goodwin March 24th, 2016, Chronicle Herald newspaper Halifax, NS, Canada As migrating birds return this spring, they will be spreading millions of ticks across Canada. Those ticks are here to stay and we must learn to work with the growing problem of their impact on pets and humans. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association,…

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Springhill, NS: Ticks become talk at Springhill search and rescue hall

June 22nd, 2015 by Christopher Gooding SPRINGHILL – It’s enough to make anyone want to stay out of the woods. Well, almost anyone. Springhill and Pugwash Ground Search and Rescue members met July 17 to learn about the increasingly prevalent world of ticks. Many searchers had their first experiences with the little critters known for…

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CBC TV Manitoba: Tick season in Manitoba: Causes death

Tick season in Manitoba: causes death In 2011, Michelle Millar and her partner Jim were bitten by ticks carrying Lyme disease and other illnesses. Jim later died. CBC’s Jill Coubrough reports. Michelle gives a great talk on how her life as she knew it was taken from her.  Victim or Lyme, and victim of a…

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An excellent article… a must read from Lil Anderson in the Lake of the Woods Area News, Western Ontario, Canada

Lyme disease: A growing concern Story and photos by Lil Anderson [Special thanks to Lake of the Woods Area News and Lil Anderson] The first I heard of Lyme Disease might be of concern in the Lake of the Woods area was in the early ’90’s. At that time, Dr. John Scott from the Lyme-Borreliosis…

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: Tick tests positive in Sudbury for Lyme disease bacteria

The Sudbury & District Health Unit is urging people to take precautions to prevent against tick bites after a blacklegged tick tested positive for the bacteria that can cause Lyme disease. It’s the first such case in the health unit’s service area. The infected tick was found embedded in the skin of a person who…