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Anti-science old guard taking last dying breaths of continuing to misinform physicians using tax payer dollars

Here is their opinion article title, amazing in 2017 how poorly they reference their evidence… “False and Misleading Information about Lyme Disease”   Here is one of their uniformed statements, “Persistent, unexplained subjective symptoms such as chronic fatigue and pain are common in the general population. Annual surveys by the Centers for Disease Control and…

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Johns Hopkins receives $10M to expand research into Lyme disease cause, treatments

Grants from Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation support existing research on post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, new therapies, vulnerable populations   Johns Hopkins University has received a $10 million grant from the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation to explore Lyme disease and develop potential new therapies to address the illness. The grant will be divided among…

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Dr. Nevena Zubcevik of the Harvard Medical School dispels some long held, over published myths about Lyme disease

Dispelling myths … “Dr. Nevena Zubcevik of the Harvard Medical School, and co-director of the Dean Center for Tick-Borne Illnesses, warned that the medical community is not keeping up with current findings. For example, “The conception that the tick has to be attached for 48 hours is completely outdated,” she said, citing studies that show…

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Same Tick, Different Disease: Vermont Health Dept. Warns Of Rise Of Anaplasmosis

[CanLyme Note: Canadian cases of anaplasmosis are on the rise as well] By MITCH WERTLIEB, LIAM CONNORS SEP 28, 2016 The Vermont Department of Health announced that the state is on pace to hit a record number of cases of anaplasmosis, a disease spread by the black-legged tick. As of September, there have been 133…

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June 30th, 2016 “LYME AND REASON: THE CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCE OF LYME DISEASE” presents an in-depth look at the cause and effect of Lyme disease, including the controversy over testing, the issues of misdiagnosis, and the personal struggles of medical professionals and patients contending with this life-changing illness. -Brian A. Fallon, MD, MPH, Director of…

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Global TV Edmonton: Famous singer [Kris Kristofferson] puts spotlight on Lyme disease

June 13th, 2016 Kris Kristofferson told Rolling Stone Country that doctors thought he had dementia and then he tested positive for Lyme. As Su-Ling Goh reports, cases are a lot more common than some doctors think. Watch TV segment

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CBC News Montreal: Reported cases of Lyme disease on the rise in Montreal

May 19th, 2016 Arlene Rill knows all about the dangers of Lyme disease. The 65-year-old resident of Hampstead, Que., says she was bitten by an infected tick in Montreal in 2014 and has suffered debilitating arthritis-like symptoms ever since. “One tick can take away your life,” the retired schoolteacher says, and it’s a message she’s now working to spread. Rill…

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Drexel University Team Duplicates Dr Alan MacDonald’s Findings of Bacterial Biofilms in Alzheimer’s Plaques

Feb. 2016   –  Allen et al., J Neuroinfect Dis 2016, 7:1 Dr. Herbert B. Allen and his colleagues at Drexel University, Philadelphia have confirmed the presence of bacterial biofilm substance in autopsy brain tissue from victims of Alzheimer’s disease. The extracellular polysaccharide matrix of the biofilms was detected using periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stain,…

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USA: Air Force med group finds rare animal bacteria in soldier [borreliosis, Borrelia turicatae]

January 18th, 2016 published in Air Force Times “The bacteria, Borrelia turicatae — which has been known to display side effects of relapsing fever such as chills, nausea, anemia, among others — was found in a soldier, the Centers for Disease Control recently confirmed.” ” — only a handful of case studies exist on Borrelia turicatae infections, most of which…

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Ticks that Transmit Lyme Disease Reported in 48.6% of U.S. Counties

[CanLyme note:  A good take home message from this article linked below is that for government to focus heavily on only known areas where ticks are established, is misguided. Canada is comprised of millions of square kilometers.  Less than one percent of one percent are looked at for Lyme disease in nature. If you have…

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Toronto: Drawings depict horrors of Lyme disease, artist calls for better testing and treatment

written by Bruce Wark   Montreal artist Donna Jacobs is hoping her charcoal drawings soon to be on display at The Cabbagetown Arts Festival in Toronto, previously on gallery exhibit at Parrsboro’s Main & Station, July 15th-28th, will raise awareness about the horrors of Lyme disease as well as the urgent need for improved diagnosis…

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Undiagnosed Lyme disease in adults with schizophrenia.

Published online Aug. 6th, 2015 ABSTRACT Lyme disease (LD) is the world’s leading tick borne infection caused by the spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb). This infection is a global health concern and is associated with numerous cardiologic, dermatologic, rheumatologic neurologic, and psychiatric manifestations (Bratton et al., 2008). Only a few epidemiologic studies have evaluated the frequency…

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VIDEO – CBC Friends raise money to help treat woman with Lyme disease

Friends of Carolyn MacIntyre, a Perth-area woman with Lyme disease, are raising money to pay for her ongoing care and possible treatment in the U.S. MacIntyre has been prescribed antibiotics, but she received only a few weeks of treatment because Lyme disease is not considered a chronic disease. Access video and text

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The US government and Infectious Disease Society of America admitted they cannot win the battle on Lyme with science.

Read this https://www.openeyepictures.com/references/McSweegan.pdf Dr. Morshed from the British Columbia Center for Disease Control, listed as a recipient on the emails seen in the link, participates in this nonsensical anti-science “socio-political offensive” regularly. Morshed’s approach has been supported and fortified by Dr. Perry Kendall and Dr. David Patrick for years. Their behind the scenes involvement in the…

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Fredericton Lyme disease support group wants better testing

Alison Chiasson, CBC News July 10th, 2015 Fredericton area residents struggle with symptoms, treatment and diagnosis Joy Pitre says New Brunswick clinicians failed to diagnose Lyme disease when she was struggling to determine what the cause of her rapidly deteriorating health was after a tick bite in 2003. She says she has since spent more…