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June 30th, 2016

“LYME AND REASON: THE CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCE OF LYME DISEASE” presents an in-depth look at the cause and effect of Lyme disease, including the controversy over testing, the issues of misdiagnosis, and the personal struggles of medical professionals and patients contending with this life-changing illness.

-Brian A. Fallon, MD, MPH, Director of the Center for Neuroinflammatory of the Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center at Columbia University talks about the cause of Lyme disease and what you should do if you’re bitten by a tick!

-Yale-trained Lyme disease expert Steven Phillips, MD, addresses the controversy surrounding Lyme disease, while Paul Mead, MD, Chief of Epidemiology and Surveillance Activity of The Bacterial Diseases Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, offers the perspective from the country’s lead public health agency.

-Singer and songwriter Dana Parish describes how Lyme disease temporarily derailed her music career during the prime of her life, and how she is now raising awareness about this debilitating illness!

-Lyme patient and advocate Susan Green of the non-profit The National Capital Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Association (NatCapLyme) talks about the burden placed on families in terms of costs for the treatment of Lyme disease!

-Renowned oncologist Neil Spector, MD, shares his own personal story of his transition from doctor to patient, and how Lyme disease led to an emergency heart transplant!

-Actress and TV personality Marla Maples talks about her own diagnosis of Lyme disease, and how she is encouraging other celebrities to share their stories to put the spotlight on Lyme!

-Author, artist and designer Ally Hilfiger, the daughter of fashion icon Tommy Hilfiger, reflects on how Lyme disease stole her childhood, and her mind after being committed to a psychiatric hospital!

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One Comment

  1. Very well done powerful piece of work. Dr. Stephen Phillips has certainly been working overtime and effectively in getting the message out there. He is asking physicians to help. He has treated over a hundred physicians himself for Lyme disease but only 3 o4 of those will treat LB patients. The others don’t want to be known as Lyme doctors. He feels physicians could be doing and saying much more than they are.

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