
Pathogenic analysis of Borrelia garinii strain SZ isolated from northeastern China

BACKGROUND: Various genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) have been identified from patients and animals worldwide. Genospecies-related dissemination of disease has been reported. The present study aimed to elucidate the pathogenicity of infections caused by B. garinii SZ isolated in China. B. burgdorferi B31 and B. afzelii BO23 were used for comparison. METHODS: Spirochete…

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Researchers strive for vaccine against tick-borne diseases

[CanLyme note: notice that most USA National Institute of Health funding only goes to find a way of monetizing Lyme disease so that companies can profit off of the sick. Virtually no research is funded to identify the prevalence in the current population of the chronically ill, who have been given everything but a Lyme…

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CNN : Why you should be afraid of Lyme disease

Editor’s note: Pamela Weintraub is the author of “Cure Unknown: Inside the Lyme Epidemic” (St. Martin’s Press), winner of the 2009 American Medical Writers Association book award, and executive editor of Discover magazine. Follow her on Twitter: @pam3001 (CNN) — Our nightmare began in 1993 after we moved from the city to a house down…


Dynamics of connective-tissue localization during chronic Borrelia burgdorferi infection

Laboratory Investigation , (24 June 2013) | doi :10.1038/labinvest.2013.81 Denise M Imai, Sunlian Feng, Emir Hodzic and Stephen W Barthold Abstract The etiologic agent of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, localizes preferentially in the extracellular matrix during persistence. In chronically infected laboratory mice, there is a direct association between B. burgdorferi and the proteoglycan decorin, which…


Lyme disease isn’t just Borrelia burgdorferi and Lone Star ticks do transmit Lyme disease study proves.

UNF Researchers Make Big Discovery About Lyme Disease [CanLyme note: Lone star ticks will make their way into Canada and are much more aggressive than the black-legged (deer tick) species.  We at CanLyme have also been stating for years that Lyme disease is a borreliosis, not only caused by Borrelia burgdorferi… the significance of this is…

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Canadians trapped in Lyme disease limbo

Two Hamilton-area women are among the growing number of Canadians with Lyme disease paying tens of thousands of dollars to get antibiotics in the United States because of a rift in the medical community over how to diagnose and treat the infection. “It’s a very controversial topic,” said Dr. Michael Gardam, director of infection prevention…


Lyme Disease — Debatable Motion in the New Brunswick Legislature

Press Release  Lyme Disease — Debatable Motion in the New Brunswick Legislature June 14, 2013 Fredericton,NB- New Maryland Sunbury West Progressive Conservative MLA Jack Carr presented a historic motion in the legislature on June 14, 2013. The motion was seconded by MLA Donald Arsenault Liberal MLA representing Dalhousie-Restigouche East.  The Lyme disease advocacy community is…

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Lyme Disease in deployed military personnel [Canadian]: a ‘tick-ing’ time bomb

Ottawa: The Hill Times CanLyme: This is a very important article. You can sign up for a one day free trial to read the full text, it is worth the small amount of effort and is an astonishing read.  Read full article here. Cut and paste the text and send it far and wide to…

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Spreading awareness about Lyme disease for the summer

Planning an outdoor vacation? Beware of the “ticking time bomb” – blood-sucking parasites spreading Lyme disease with potentially devastating consequences. The infectious disease is easier to get than you think and no one is immune, yet too little is being done, says Rossana Magnotta, CEO of Magnotta Winery. “You’ve got to protect yourself and your…


Tick bite leads to Lyme disease for Winnipeg girl.

Sarah Phillips’ daughter, Emily, is awake and smiling now. It’s a big difference from a few days ago. “I could barely keep her awake,” said Phillips. “She was falling asleep on me, I had to carry her everywhere, she was so lethargic, I have never seen anybody so tired.” Earlier this month a tick burrowed…

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Toronto’s Famous CN Tower Goes Green for May Lyme Awareness Month!

Thanks to the hard work and persistence of a fiesty Lyme disease sufferer, Toronto’s famous CN Tower will be lit with green lights on May 11th, in recognition of May being the internationally accepted month for Lyme disease awareness.  Read more on her blog

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More on Who’s Who and What’s What – NIH Dr. Phil Baker Responds to Blog on American Lyme Disease Foundation

LYMEPOLICYWONK:  Last week, I posted a blog regarding the IDSA stealth front organization, the American Lyme Disease Foundation (ALDF).  I pointed out that the organization masquerades as a patient organization or an independent source of information, but is really just the members of the IDSA Lyme guidelines panel and a couple of businessmen. I highlighted…

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Local MLAs hear requests for Lyme disease vigilance

NEW GLASGOW – Pictou County’s three MLAs and several county councilors got educated about Lyme disease from those suffering from the disease. They also received a long list of items the delegation wants instituted into Nova Scotia’s detection and treatment of the disease during a meeting on Monday at Justice Minister Ross Landry’s Pictou Centre…

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New tick-borne bacteria found in Shasta County [California]

Black-legged ticks are already notorious bad guys known for spreading Lyme disease. Now the nasty little creatures are making people sick by spreading a new and little-known bacteria similar to the germ that causes Lyme disease. There have been no reports of north state residents being sickened by the tick’s bite, even though the Borrelia…