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Ottawa: Canadian politicians, scientists, physicians, and advocates unite in request of Minister Philpott to insist upon an ethical process

[CanLyme Note: No disease in history has ever been so massaged and manipulated behind closed doors as Lyme disease (borreliosis)  Is profit the motive? Keeping people sick and on pills for every symptom seems to be the approved Canadian policy while they refuse to transparently look at better tests that are available, and they refuse to…

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Canadian Press – Lyme disease: Patients living in ‘medical limbo’ push for federal strategy

Keith Doucette, The Canadian Press, posted September 11, 2016 Lack of awareness, diagnosis and treatment by doctors a problem in Lyme disease battle: advocates The health issues piled up for Donna Lugar, one on top of another: She had breathing trouble, vision and hearing problems, even heart issues, but finding a cause was elusive. “Occasionally…

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Toronto, Canada: Prevention and understanding key to dealing with Lyme disease in Ontario

Aug. 11, 2016, East York Mirror by Tara Hatherly Canadian government’s framework on Lyme disease in the works As the number of Canadians with Lyme disease continues to climb, Canada is developing a federal framework for dealing with the issue. The framework will focus on guidelines for identifying and treating Lyme disease, tracking infection rates…