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They’ve faced asthma, allergies and Lyme disease — meet the teens who are suing Canada over climate change

[CanLyme Note: This may just be the start of class action lawsuits.  The next will likely be over the dangerous and failed policy of giving only one dose of an antibiotic to ‘prevent’ Lyme disease. Not only is the evidence for it very weak, it is likely be a major driver of antibiotic resistance by just teasing the millions of bacteria we carry not just the Lyme bacteria with a non-lethal dose. The population of Canada is at risk and physicians are then misusing it as a treatment of infection, not prevention.  We at CanLyme get far too many calls regarding people including children being given just one dose of antibiotic even when the rash is evident (which is a sign of infection, too late for prevention).  When they get sicker, they are then sent to infectious disease doctors who give many wildly inaccurate diagnoses (anything but Lyme) using serology and a poor understanding of the symptoms of Lyme disease to deny an appropriate diagnosis.]


By Cherise Seucharan, Star Vancouver Oct. 25, 2019

VANCOUVER—Sierra Robinson, 17, wants to swim in the Cowichan River again.

The teen climate activist grew up in the Cowichan Valley, where she remembers being able to swim and play in the local river with friends. But in the past several years, droughts have begun to dry up the rivers and lakes in the region, she says.

“Little seven-year-old me was playing in the river catching frogs, and now I’m 17 and going to the river … and there is no river,” Robinson told The Star Vancouver. “It’s really upsetting and really scary. What will happen in the next 10 years?”

Those concerns about the future have now spurred Robinson and 14 other youth to take legal action against the federal government.

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