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How many cases of Lyme disease are we missing?

June 27th, 2019


I participated in a “Tick Talk” in Bedford with Lisa Ali Learning of AtlanTick on June 25. One takeaway from that meeting, for me anyway, is that we are not doing enough to ensure Nova Scotians are adequately aware of the risks associated with tick bites. One family, new to the country, had never even heard of ticks before one recently attached to their child.

Although there has been a steady increase in awareness initiatives over the past few years, we need to continue to do more to reduce the number of new cases of Lyme and tick-borne diseases. One way to do this is through more “in your face” awareness, such as signage, print media and radio/TV alerts. Nova Scotians need to reach out to all three levels of government to request that more is done.

Nova Scotians need to know that any tick that bites them could potentially …

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One Comment

  1. I have been advocating for change in Public Health since my husband was diagnosed 10 years ago. He was the first human case in HRM. I volunteered my time with Dr. Gaynor Watson Creed and other stake holders to have more information and better testing. This group spoke of the cost of testing all clients presenting with joint pain, and flulike symptoms. It was deemed absurd to expect this. I also proposed an epidemiological study of the residents around DeWolfe Park. This was also not welcome.
    The testing done in Canada is not sensitive. It measures immune response not presence of bacteria. Testing can be done in Europe and the US that is accurate , however, Infectious Diseases will only accept a positive Test from CANADA.
    When money is a factor it will be difficult to make change. No one wants to share their budget. Thanks , Lisa

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