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United States : CDC Refuses to End Preferential Treatment of IDSA Lyme Guidelines in Response to Citizen Petition Patient advocates cite CDC/IDSA conflicts of interest

“Fries says, “It’s unacceptable that when a federal government agency is presented with evidence of improprieties, the official response is to confirm the improprieties and indicate they will continue.” Now what will the government of Canada do considering their commitment to open government.  Will they insist Bill C-442 be followed with the good faith intended…

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Welland Tribune – Ontario: Lyme disease patient inspires petition

By Allan Benner, The Tribune                                    Friday, April 11, 2014 11:10:22 EDT AM Alex Latham was inspired when he learned about the plight of a Welland woman diagnosed with Lyme disease. He was at work at General Motors when a co-worker told him about the challenges 24-year-old Bylynnda Turvey and her family have faced in trying…

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New Brunswicker tackles Lyme disease issues

Stephanie Stoneleigh… “Just want you to know I have sent this letter this morning to about 75 contacts in hopes that they will sign the Petition put forward by Randy Hillier, M.P.P” ….    Dear Friends, Relatives and Co-Workers in my Health Battle:  I need to let you know that I am sending this email…