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11 year old is interviewed on CBC radio about her battle with Lyme disease.

A wrap party to mark the end of a long fight. After facing over 1,000 treatments, 11-year-old Emily Arsenault tells guest host Pat Kaniuga about her battle with Lyme disease and why she wanted to throw a party to mark her recovery. Aired: July 15, 2020 Listen to interview

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Manitobans Reminded to Check for Ticks: Friesen June 10th, 2019 The Manitoba government is moving forward with the establishment of a collaborative care service to streamline and improve health services for patients who show symptoms of late Lyme disease and other emerging tick-borne illnesses, Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen announced today. “Symptoms…

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Human seroprevalence of Borrelia miyamotoi in Manitoba, Canada, in 2011-2014: a cross-sectional study.

CMAJ Open. 2017 Sep 6;5(3):E690-E693. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20170070. Kadkhoda K, et al Abstract BACKGROUND: Hard tick-borne relapsing fever caused by Borrelia miyamotoi has been reported in Russia, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan and the northeastern and upper midwestern United States. We sought to investigate the presence of B. miyamotoi infection in humans in Manitoba, Canada. METHODS: Two hundred…

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Human seroprevalence of Borrelia miyamotoi in Manitoba, Canada, in 2011–2014: a cross-sectional study

[CanLyme Note: This is a very interesting and important study and we are pleased that this is being looked at but there are some glaring omissions in the document. Not made clear in the results is that a significant percentage of obviously symptomatic patients (why their blood was tested in the first place) would be completely…

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CTV Winnipeg: 12-year-old boy suffers infection from wood tick

June 13th, 2017 … “I felt something on my back, so I pulled it off and it was a tick,” said Ferguson. “So I just killed it and threw it away.” Logan said it was a wood tick, so he didn’t give it a second thought. But a couple of days later he started feeling…

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Black-legged ticks found at Riding Mountain National Park

[CanLyme Note: “Officials aren’t ready yet to sound the alarms”… here we are in 2016 and Health Canada still refuses to let the public in on the truth… Lyme disease carrying ticks are found anywhere that our friendly robins, finches, wren, and other passerine birds fly in Canada.  Measuring by known risk areas and rating them…

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Global TV, Winnipeg, Canada: Winnipeggers cautioned to watch out for ticks [Lyme on increase]

May 24th, 2016 WINNIPEG — A Winnipeg mom is warning people to be on the lookout for black legged ticks inside the city. Marnie Le Page’s daughter Brooke contracted Lyme disease in December, 2014. “She came home with a headache, a severe head ache and a fever, went to bed, and since that day she’s never…

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CTV Winnipeg: Lyme disease cases on the rise in Manitoba

Cheryl Holmes, CTV Winnipeg Published Friday, May 15, 2015 4:05PM CST It’s tick season in Manitoba and while many residents have likely heard the warnings before, this year is not a year to take those warnings lightly. The number of Manitoban’s contracting Lyme disease is on the rise and the province aims to raise awareness…

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Global News: Manitoba warns of Lyme risk

May 14th, 2015 WINNIPEG – Winnipeg City Hall will be lit in green Thursday to help raise awareness of Lyme disease among Manitobans. The symbolic gesture will come in the middle of Lyme Disease Awareness Month and a day after Manitoba Health issued a news release urging people in the province to protect themselves from…

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Manitoba, CBC Radio: Lyme disease season is here, province warns to be on alert

[CanLyme note: In the CBC article it says that according to Manitoba Health, “It’s estimated that 70 to 80 per cent of people develop an expanding rash within three to 30 days of being bitten by an infected tick”.  That is Manitoba Health continuing to mislead the public and medical community. Current research indicates that only…

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Global TV: Tick threat in Winnipeg on the rise

By Lauren McNabb Senior Reporter/Anchor  Global News – May 1st, 2015 WINNIPEG – At this time of year they could be as small as a poppy seed, but no matter the size, a black-legged tick can carry a potentially nasty bite. May is Lyme Disease awareness month and it is one of several tick-borne diseases doctors say an…

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Manitoba : Province expands Lyme Disease risk areas

[CanLyme note: Ticks that carry Lyme Disease are spread randomly in the tens of millions by migratory birds. By emphasizing only areas that they have found established tick populations, it has been one of the most harmful policies put in place yet they continue this imprinting in doctors minds that if patients have not been in these known…