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11 year old is interviewed on CBC radio about her battle with Lyme disease.

A wrap party to mark the end of a long fight. After facing over 1,000 treatments, 11-year-old Emily Arsenault tells guest host Pat Kaniuga about her battle with Lyme disease and why she wanted to throw a party to mark her recovery.
Aired: July 15, 2020

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One Comment

  1. Congratulations and are thanks to the Manitoba physicians that stuck with this case. This case indicates how serious and debilitating Lyme can be, how the disease can metamorphose and how easily it could be dismissed by AMMI trained physicians. Emily is young and and stands a good chance of recovery because of her younger healthier immune system which should be able to take over. It is all to easy for doctors to throw cases like this onto the compost pile of psychiatric disorders.

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