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Complete Remission in Paralytic Late Tick-Borne Neurological Disease Comprising Mixed Involvement of Borrelia, Babesia, Anaplasma, and Bartonella: Use of Long-Term Treatments with Antibiotics and Antiparasitics in a Series of 10 Cases

Abstract This study aimed to demonstrate that severe neurological motor deficits in the context of late tick-borne disease with mixed microorganism involvement are eligible for long-term combined antibiotic/antiparasitic treatments. The inclusion criteria were: 1. neurological limb paralysis with a disability score >4 according to the EDSS Kurtzke disability scale; 2. serological tests pointing to an…

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A Fatal Case of Late Stage Lyme Borreliosis and Substance Abuse

Abstract A recent study demonstrated a 1,100% (12-fold) increase in substance abuse after acquiring Lyme borreliosis. Lyme borreliosis and substance abuse have never been adequately studied and deserves greater attention. A fatal case of Lyme borreliosis and substance abuse is presented, compared to a database, relevant citations are reviewed, brain tussue is analyzed, and findings…

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Peer-Reviewed Evidence of Lyme/Tick-Borne Disease Causing Psychiatric Symptoms

“The following is a list of peer-reviewed articles that support the evidence of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases causing neuropsychiatric illness. It is organized into two different categories— neuropsychiatric symptoms and dementia” source unknown. Access list of citations

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Ticks and Lyme disease are on the rise in Canada, experts warn. Here’s what you need to know

Canada has seen a steep rise in reported Lyme disease cases in recent years, and as the planet warms, those numbers are expected to continue climbing. With ticks spreading further north each year, some advocates question whether Canada is prepared to cope with the rise of Lyme disease. The disease, which could cause lifelong health issues, has already…

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Hyperacusis (sound sensitivity), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), sudden hearing loss in Lyme disease – literature references

Sound Sensitivity (Hyperacusis) and the Lyme Disease Connection (Increased sensitivity to certain frequency and volume ranges of sound) Carbamazepine in the Treatment of Lyme Disease–Induced Hyperacusis https://neuro.psychiatryonline.org/…/10.1176/jnp.11.1.97 AETIOLOGY AND CLINICAL PRESENTATIONS OF AUDITORY PROCESSING DISORDERS—A REVIEW HTTP://ADC.BMJ.COM/CONTENT/85/5/361.SHORT TINNITUS, HEARING LOSS, SOUND SENSITIVITY AND THE LYME DISEASE CONNECTION Otolaryngologic aspects of Lyme disease. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2041438 Central Auditory Processing Disorder https://link.springer.com/…/10.1007%2F978-0-387-79948-3… Lyme…

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Estimating the Frequency of Lyme Disease Diagnoses, United States, 2010–2018

Abstract By using commercial insurance claims data, we estimated that Lyme disease was diagnosed and treated in ≈476,000 patients in the United States annually during 2010–2018. Our results underscore the need for accurate diagnosis and improved prevention. Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes, which are transmitted to humans by certain Ixodes spp. ticks (1). The infection can…

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A novel Borrelia species, intermediate between Lyme disease and relapsing fever groups, in neotropical passerine-associated ticks

Abstract Lyme disease (LD) and relapsing fevers (RF) are vector-borne diseases caused by bacteria of the Borrelia genus. Here, we report on the widespread infection by a non-described Borrelia species in passerine-associated ticks in tropical rainforests of French Guiana, South America. This novel Borrelia species is common in two tick species, Amblyomma longirostre and A….

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Summerland man battles Lyme disease for more than 12 years

Summerland, BC: Lance Tycholaz continues to cope with Lyme disease symptoms A tick bite in the summer of 2009 changed life permanently for Lance Tycholaz. At the time, Tycholaz was working for the B.C. Ministry of Tourism when he had a tick bite on his back, between his shoulder blades. He was alone at the…

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Lyme Disease Heightens Risk of Mental Disorders, Suicidality, Study Finds

[CanLyme Note: In Canada the situation is amplified by the complete denial of diagnosis, the over confidence in knowingly poor tests, and the very intentional misinformation campaign waged by members of the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada. The individual with chronic Lyme disease is denied access…

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Harvard study identifies symptom clusters in Lyme patients with persistent symptoms

A retrospective study of 270 post-treatment Lyme patients identified the most debilitating neurological symptoms, paving the way for future studies on root causes of disease and better treatments. The largest study to-date characterizing ongoing symptoms [1] of Lyme patients after antibiotic treatment has been published by a group of investigators at Harvard-affiliated hospitals and Invisible International, a non-profit organization….

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Evidence-Based, Patient-Centered Treatment of Erythema Migrans in the United States

Abstract Lyme disease, often characterized as a readily treatable infection, can be a debilitating and expensive illness, especially when patients remain symptomatic following therapy for early disease. Identifying and promoting highly effective therapeutic interventions for US patients with erythema migrans (EM) rashes that return them to their pre-infection health status should be a priority. The…

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Brain fog, mysterious infections, not believed – Atlantic Canadians still struggling to get faster Lyme disease diagnosis

June 8th 2021 “The (symptoms) affected every system in my body, pretty much,” said Lugar, who was experiencing vision, hearing, and digestive issues, as well as extreme fatigue and light and sound sensitivity. “At my worst, I was in bed, in a darkened room. At my best, I could function at about 60 per cent.”…

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Brain fog, mysterious infections, not believed – Atlantic Canadians still struggling to get faster Lyme disease diagnosis

June 8th 2021 “The (symptoms) affected every system in my body, pretty much,” said Lugar, who was experiencing vision, hearing, and digestive issues, as well as extreme fatigue and light and sound sensitivity. “At my worst, I was in bed, in a darkened room. At my best, I could function at about 60 per cent.”…