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Lyme disease in Saskatchewan ticks, and dog ticks can infect Borrelia miyamotoi.

The vast majority of ticks found in Saskatchewan are Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick), a species not known to be a competent vector of typical Lyme borreliosis (Borrelia burrgdorferi s.l.) to humans.  However, recently Borrelia miyamotoi has been found in Canadian ticks coast to coast. Also, this from Manitoba, Saskatchewan’s next door neighbour. Borrelia miyamotoi causes similar disease in humans…

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Global News television: Manitoba Canada Lyme awareness – province leads the country in working directly with patient groups.

Watch this interesting piece… “Marnie Le Page from Manitoba Lyme and Communicable Diseases Medical Officer of Health Dr. Richard Rush joined Gobal’s Shannon Cuciz to discuss emerging tick-bone diseases in Manitoba.” Canada-wide we are in a crisis due to a very well imbedded denial of access to health care relative to Lyme and other tick-bonre…

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New research shows risk for Lyme borreliosis in cities is much the same as in forested areas.

[CanLyme note: This should be done in Canadian cities] Published Nov. 21, 2017 Parasites and Vectors Ticks and the city – are there any differences between city parks and natural forests in terms of tick abundance and prevalence of spirochaetes? Abstract Background Ixodes ricinus ticks are commonly encountered in either natural or urban areas, contributing to Lyme…

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Human seroprevalence of Borrelia miyamotoi in Manitoba, Canada, in 2011–2014: a cross-sectional study

[CanLyme Note: This is a very interesting and important study and we are pleased that this is being looked at but there are some glaring omissions in the document. Not made clear in the results is that a significant percentage of obviously symptomatic patients (why their blood was tested in the first place) would be completely…

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Distribution and survival of Borrelia miyamotoi in human blood components

Aaron M. Thorp and Laura Tonnetti Article first published online: 21 DEC 2015 DOI: 10.1111/trf.13398 BACKGROUND Borrelia miyamotoi, the agent of relapsing fever, is a tick-borne spirochete first isolated in Japan in 1994. Since then, the spirochete has been detected in ticks globally, generally in the same vectors as the Lyme disease agent. Human infection has…

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Survey of Ixodes pacificus Ticks in California Reveals a Diversity of Microorganisms and a Novel and Widespread Anaplasmataceae Species.

Sept. 16, 2015 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135828 Eshoo MW, Carolan HE, Massire C, Chou DM, Crowder CD, Rounds MA, et al. Abstract Ixodes pacificus ticks can harbor a wide range of human and animal pathogens. To survey the prevalence of tick-borne known and putative pathogens, we tested 982 individual adult and nymphal I. pacificus ticks collected throughout…

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Borrelia miyamotoi Disease in the Northeastern United States: A Case Series

Background: The first recognized cases of Borrelia miyamotoi disease (BMD) in North America were reported in the northeastern United States in 2013. Objective: To further describe the clinical spectrum and laboratory findings for BMD. Design: Case series. Setting: Patients presenting to primary care offices, emergency departments, or urgent care clinics in 2013 and 2014. Participants:…

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Widespread Borrelia miyamotoi Tick-borne Fever Found in US

Medscape: written by Janis C. Kelly June 12, 2015 Borrelia miyamotoi disease (BMD), a tick-borne infection that can cause more severe symptoms than Lyme disease, was first reported in the northeastern United States in 2013 but is becoming more common and should be considered in all areas where deer tick–transmitted infections are endemic, according to a case-series published…

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New tick-borne disease has severe symptoms worse than the Lyme disease

[CanLyme note: It is our position this is not a new tick-borne disease. There has been no test for it in humans for decades. Recent Canadian research has shown it is present in ticks across our country. This is not a Lyme-like illness, Lyme disease is a borreliosis caused by many genotypes within the genus borrelia,…

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Borrelia miyamotoi infection in Nature and in humans

Abstract   Borrelia miyamotoi is a relapsing fever Borrelia group spirochete that is transmitted by the same hard-bodied (ixodid) tick species that transmit the agents of Lyme disease. It was discovered in 1994 in Ixodes persulcatus ticks in Japan. B. miyamotoi species phylogenetically cluster with the relapsing fever group spirochetes, which usually are transmitted by…

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Lyme and associated tick-borne diseases: global challenges in the context of a public health threat

Christian Perronne  c [dot] perronne [at] rpc [dot] aphp [dot] fr Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi and transmitted by ticks, was initially considered a recent, rare and regional occurrence. We now have evidence that very similar bacteria infected humans in Europe during the ice age (Keller et al.,2012). Evidence-based data are scarce therefore many aspects of the disease remain controversial…

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Prevalence of Borrelia miyamotoi in Ixodes Ticks in Europe and the United States

Chris D. Crowder, Heather E. Carolan, Megan A. Rounds, Vaclav Honig, Benedikt Mothes, Heike Haag, Oliver Nolte, Ben J. Luft, Libor Grubhoffer, David J. Ecker, Steven E. Schutzer, and Mark W. Eshoo AbstractBorrelia miyamotoi, a relapsing fever-related spirochete transmitted by Ixodes ticks, has been recently shown to be a human pathogen. To characterize the prevalence…

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Borrelia miyamotoi sensu lato seroreactivity and seroprevalence in the northeastern United States.

[CanLyme note:  More evidence that the current two tier testing model imposed upon Canadians is incapable of detecting the genetic diversity of Borrelia we have, just as Health Canada published 1.5 years ago, yet Infectious Disease doctors, including paediatricians refuse to see anyone without a positive two tier test… stunningly unethical and ‘to hell with the patient,…

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Scientists discover unnamed disease carried by deer ticks

[Canlyme note : The notion or suggestion that Borrelia miyamotoi is a new disease, is at this point in time proposterous. It is Lyme Disease. This is as silly as saying that each winter season there is a new disease called the flu. The flu is the flu, caused by many strains. Lyme Disease is a disease…

Chromosome Sequence of Borrelia miyamotoi, an Uncultivable Tick-Borne Agent of Human Infection.

Hue F, Ghalyanchi Langeroudi A, Barbour AG.Genome Announcements. 2013 Sep 12;1(5). pii: e00713-13. https://doi.org/10.1128/genomeA.00713-13 Abstract Borrelia miyamotoi is a newly recognized agent of human disease. B. miyamotoi strain LB-2001, an isolate from the tick Ixodes scapularis, was propagated in mice. The sequence of the chromosome was determined by next-generation sequencing of DNA isolated from whole…