News and updates
Lyme is widely recognized as an underreported illness. For example, a 2015…
Incidence and economic cost of Lyme disease cases in Canada given climate change projections
Grappling with the challenge of estimating future Lyme disease incidence and economic…
Epidemiology of Lyme Disease in Canada 2009-2019
While the current numbers likely underrepresent the number of people living with…
Exploring how environmental factors might relate to the presence of pathogen-carrying ticks
The work of understanding why some ticks carry pathogens and others do…
Meet Mario Levesque, a tireless advocate for patients living with long Lyme
Professor of Public Policy and Canadian Politics joins CanLyme’s advisory board.
Canadian Lyme Alliance conducting patient survey
Please consider taking 15 minutes to share your valuable input and experience.
Permethrin: An underused tool for prevention of tick-borne infection
Permethrin treated clothing is often recommended as an evidence-based means of preventing…
This giving season, your support changes lives
For over two decades, the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation has worked to…